Chapter 3.1

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This story is not on any plot from serial , it is just my imagination. I thought to write a TS on the school love on our beloved couple PRANBIR ❣️

It was bright sunny morning , some were happy , some were down in the mouth , why wont they be disheartened as it was there last day in school .

Today the school had a different glory , the seniors were going to retire and may be this was the reason for the juniors happiness .

The students were spread all over the school , some were talking , some were playing , and a group of people were sitting in there classes . It was the 12 th standard . They made themself ready for the fun they were going to have today , and the teachers were ready to bear the craziness of there children .

As soon as the bell ranged everyone rushed to there classes , a bunch of student were sitting on the last bench as it being there second home . They were waiting for there secret lovers to enter the class .
" When will she come " said a impatient boy , he was the crush of every single girl in the secondary school . But he was only behind the one .

" Are you waiting for prachi ? " His friend asked , who was too waiting for his girlfriend . " Yes bro , for what I come to school , just to see her right " he said .

The girls returned to there classes , and now the back benchers were happy . The teacher was taking the attendance , when she found a boy having hundred percent presenty . It was roll no . 16 ( krishna's birthday date 😬😓😅) . " Ranbir Kohli " the teacher took his name , " present mam " he said , taking everyone's attention towards him .

" I am so proud of you Ranbir , you are having 100% attendance " the teacher said proudly and everyone cheered for him .
His attendance suprised his teacher
But little she know that he had a crush on the class topper .

Yes he had a crush on his class topper , who is an introvert type of person who hardly speak with someone , but whenever she would speak , it would make his day , he always asked her book for the completion . Hardly he knew that she too has fallen for him .

Soon the teacher took the name of girl who was the crush of many boys from her class but they never confessed there love as ranbir didn't allowed them . " Prachi Mehra " the teacher called out . " Present mam " she said softly , making his heart bounce . " Wow you too has full attendance " she said , and everyone cheered " ohhhh" teasingly . The teasing is the best part of the school .

The first class got over and it was time of second lecture but the teacher got late on the last day also .
" What's your plan , man , are you going to propose her or not " harsh asked , " bro you na I get nervous , while talking with her , and what if she rejects me " ranbir said making everyone frown as from last six years , they are motivating him to confess his feelings for her , but he denied every single time .

" Ranbir it's our last day , and who knows you will be able to meet her or not in the future as we are going to shift to the new city after exams , dad told us in the morning remember " aryan said , who was more desperate than ranbir as he too wanted his crush 's number who was actually prachi's sister , Shahana .

" Aryan please don't say this , I feel very bad " ranbir said while gazing prachi . " Don't look towards her , as she is not gonna value it . " manav said . " Ok done , today I am gonna confess , harsh tell priya to bring her in the backyard after the school . " Ranbir said , " done bro " harsh agreed .

Shahana wanted to sit on the last benches but prachi didn't allowed her as they both always sat together and also she was frightened , what if she get caught by him for gazing him .

" When are you going to confess your feelings prachi " Shahana finally asked her ,
" Shut up shahana , what if rejects me " prachi answered as she was scared to get rejected by her first love
" it won't happen , he too loves you yaar , cant you see " shahana said ,
" He will never know that I love him "
" Why?"
" Because I am just one of the million stars and he is a moon , don't you know , the whole secondary section girls are crazy behind him , and if he don't even look towards them , then how can I expect that he will accept my proposal , I am not of his type " she said and was little emotional as it was the last day of the school and after there exams , her family was going to shift to the new city .
" And what if propose you " shahana asked
" It would be the best day of my life " she answered and made her gaze towards the teacher who just entered the class .

It was soon the break time , like every time the students made there group and sat on there respective places . Prachi and shahana were sitting on the first desk .
Ranbir opened his tiffin . A group of seven gathered around his tiffin box full of maggi . The spoon failed miserably as the fourteen fingers took over .
They ate there breakfast and soon it was biology class but as the biology teacher was absent art teacher took the proxy. The teacher gave them a random topic for drawing . Almost half of the class was making greetings and small paper flowers which was instructed by ranbir as he was not prepared for the proposal , so he asked no he ordered everyone .

Some were making nonsense while some were making like it's for there lover . In that lecture everyone finished the work given by ranbir . Next was the sport lesson , ranbir being the best footballer of the school started playing with his friends while the girls were cheering them and prachi had her gaze fix on ranbir .

Aryan kicked the ball so hard that it went out side the field , ranbir almost ran half a ground area just to take the ball as it landed towards prachi . He went near her to take the ball , he was mesmerized by her simplicity , she was the best girl he have seen , her two ponies , her hair belt , she was so beautiful that even in uniform she would have won the Miss universe .

As soon as he came near her , she felt nervous , her checks turned into crimson red , she started breathing fast , her heart was pounding . He took the ball and went .

It was lunch time , everyone who were in the mission proposal went in the backyard . They searched a secret place and decorated it beautifully , " ranbir we did are work now it's your turn " priya said , " yes , thank you so much guys , I love you yaar " he said and hugged everyone . " Guys can any two of you stay here , to keep an eye so that the juniors don't make my hardwork go in vain . " Ranbir said getting a glare from everyone .

" Your hardwork " everyone asked him in union with a frown , " yaa my " he said rolling his eyes and ran from there , others went to chase him and priya and harsh stayed there .

I hope you all will like , and sorry for any mistake

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