King On The Highway 1

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This happened a year ago and I can't stop thinking about it. No matter how hard I try in quiet times my mind goes back to that night. The night I found out you really should be frightened of the dark.

My sister lives in a backwater town a bit of a drive away. I hadn't gone to see her in such a long while I decided to use my week vacation to drop by. I was bringing over gifts and clothing I had out grown for her. She's a fantastic cook. Spending a week having some good home cooked meals and no reliable internet was just what I needed. I packed up and got on the road pretty excited for my week away. But I had been so busy tying up loose ends for my trip I got going very late in the day. The sun was already setting by the time I got on the highway.

She knew I was going to get in late. I might arrive by 1 AM and I would call her when I was close and she could greet me by the door. I found myself on a dark highway surrounded by farmland for miles. When it wasn't farm land, the highway cut through dense trees. While I was driving, I saw something I never thought I ever would. Something that made me pull over. Speeding along I saw a figure walking along the side of the road. My headlights reflecting off the white sweater they were wearing. It was a small figure so I felt safe stopping and at least looking to see if they needed help. In my entire life I had never seen someone just walking along the side of the highway. I hadn't seen a house for a long time or a car that had been pulled over. I had no idea where this person came from or where they were trying to go.

I stopped my car and got out trying to get a good look at the person in the dark. They had also stopped when I pulled out in front of them. I lifted my hand and gave a weak wave, and got one back.

"Do you need help?" I called out and waited.

When I didn't hear anything, I started to walk towards them. It wasn't a good idea for a short woman like myself to approach a stranger on the side of the road. It could be an ambush but my brain wasn't thinking about that. I was concerned because the figure was clearly a child.

When I got close enough to see I could tell he couldn't be older than thirteen. I was guessing it was a boy but it was hard to tell with the baggy clothing and shoulder length wavy hair. White wavy hair. I had my cell phone out and using the flashlight function on it to see if the boy was hurt. I stopped a few steps away from him and he looked up at me. One side of his face was covered by his hair but one red eye looked back at me. I froze in fear for half a second but mentally berated myself for such a reaction. The boy's hair now made sense. He was albino. I never personally met someone with the condition but it had seen photos.

"Would it be possible to get a lift to the next town over?" The boy asked in such a low and soft voice even standing as close as I was, I could barely hear him.

"Of course. What are you on the side of the road sweetie? Come on, get in the car. I have some water."

He followed behind me silently. He wasn't carrying anything. And the odd thing was, he wasn't wearing any shoes either. It was just so strange. I had to call the police. I knew that but I wanted to make sure he was alright first.

He climbed into the passenger seat so I could see him more clearly. He was so pale his skin almost looked silver. In a few years, he would be very handsome. I was glad I was the one to pick him up. He looked so small and frail he would have no chance with someone with bad intentions. I gave him a bottle of water and let him drink before asking more questions.

"What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Nikki." I added my name in thinking that he would be more comfortable if he knew it.


Again, he spoke so softly I could barely hear him. I at least got a name out of him. I needed some more answers though.

"What were you doing on the side of the road? Do you have someone I should call?" I asked as nicely as I could hoping it would make him speak some more.

"I'm heading to the next town to meet an acquaintance. He's an officer. I have no one you can contact. If it's possible, it would be nice to get a ride to the police station, but please do not go out of your way for myself."

At least he was a polite kid. I debated on what I should do. He wasn't injured and he wanted to be taken to the police. If that was the case, I could just drive him and not bother calling someone to pick him up. It really wouldn't be any trouble to myself. And he wasn't a threat to me either. He was so small even if he pulled a weapon, even I could swat it away. I decided to take him where he needed to go.

"Alright I'll take you. Are you sure there isn't anyone I can call?" I asked once more. He only shook his head.

Either the poor kid really didn't have any family or he was running from them. At least he was on the way to some help so I decided not to press the matter. I started up the car and put in directions in my phone to the police station he wanted, and we were on our way.

The whole thing was a bit weird but not supernatural weird. That came after. Elly didn't talk while we drove. The poor kid must have been so exhausted from walking he nodded off. I was glad he trusted me enough to nap right beside me. I would send a message to my sister later telling her I would be late. We drove in silence for a little while when I saw yet another thing I never expected to see.

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