King And The Hitman 2

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When the other man came back dragging a creature on a chain it shut me up. Nothing had ever shut me up in my entire life. But this did. I stared, body turned to ice and mouth open in mid-word at the monster that had been literally dragged into the light. It was double the size as the lion I expected to see, dark and strangely enough, flickering. It walked on all fours, massive claws leaving deep tears in the solid concrete. The chains around its neck looked perfectly real and solid but this thing kept going in and out of focus. Like I was never meant to see it. As if those chains not only were dragging it along towards me, but also dragging it into our world. It fought hard against the chains that left a deep wound where they touched its skin. The beast let out a loud roar of protest, but that too sounded unreal and out of focus. It had a mane of dark fur that at some point must have been a proud feature of glossy black. Now it was just matted and dull. A sheet was over top of its head leaving only a snout of jagged teeth exposed. Seeing the countless scars etched into the poor things body I felt as if we were both in the same boat. Caught and tortured by these bastards. After seeing it I was still afraid of whatever supernatural creature that had just been dragged in front of me, but I also felt sorry for it. I wanted to do something, anything to help it even though I was not in the position to do so.

"Come on you overrated mute. Behave. We have a nice snack for you. Eat him and you can go back to your cage." The man grunted trying to drag the thing even closer.

With a quick jerk of its head, the beast tore the chain from the man's hands for a few second. The other two ran in and helped him get the monster under control. It shrieked in protest just wanting to be free of them. One peeled away to grab my chair from behind to drag me closer. The chair legs made a horrible sound across the ground like nails on a chalk board. I tried making it difficult for him but in the end couldn't do a damn thing as my chair was placed within reach of the dark monster.

The monster stopped struggling when I got closer. It could smell my blood, I knew it. Its nose got right up close, nearly touching me as I felt hot puffs of air ruffle my hair. I expected it to smell horrible, but oddly enough it smelled almost minty. It would only take one bite to end me. I really hoped that my head got taken first and not my legs to suffer through being eaten alive. Suddenly the idea of being chomped down by some powerful animal didn't feel like a neat way to go at all. It just felt like the end. Drips of drool came from its mouth and dropped onto my jeans soaking them through. It made my skin crawl. I tried backing up the chair only to see a man was holding it in place.

"Come on now. Eat him. That's an order."

Those words made the monster tense. Before it just looked curious about me but now it looked like a cat ready to pounce. It now had orders and needed to obey them. I was hoping that wet feeling was because it drooled on me and not because I pissed myself seeing the sudden change. I was so out of my mind in fear I didn't even stop and think what the hell this thing even was. A crushing force came down on each of my arms strapped to the chair as the beast placed huge claws on them to stand up. Those countless teeth just above my head and jaw opening ready to take one massive bite. In my last moments I wanted to pray but couldn't find any kind of thoughts in my head. I took a large inhale waiting for death to come.

To my shock, I didn't get my head torn off. Instead, the monster turned that deadly set of teeth on the man holding my chair from behind. The dark fur covered my vision. I only guessed he gotten his head bitten off instead of myself when screams of surprise and fear came from the other men. A flurry of motion started. The beast was dragged back, the claws digging into the flesh of my arms leaving cuts, but also snapping the restraints keeping me down. My body moved before my mind did. My bleeding arms shot down trying to get my legs free as I kept darting my head up to see the other two men trying to get control of the monster.

One pulled a gun from who knows where and started shooting. The monster took some hits but darted away so the one holding the chains received some friendly fire. The man collapsed and the dark creature was free. It thrashed slamming into wooden boxes surrounding us. Packing peanuts, coffee grounds and what I guessed to be bundles of drugs poured out. I really didn't care. I just had to get the hell out of there. The straps on my legs felt nearly impossible to undo. Because of the noise more people came rushing in trying to first catch the monster. Soon they knew it wasn't possible and started to shoot at it.

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