King On The Highway 3

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I couldn't help but stare silently and helpless at this boy. He no longer looked like the weak and frail child I had picked up on the side of the road. He looked more frightening than the monster outside. But I couldn't help but trust him. His hand gripped into my arm one last time then slowly pulled back. He was done warning me. If I got out, I would be killed. I may have already been killed if I hadn't picked him up. Those monsters, those werewolves could rip car doors off. I was idling and nothing was stopping them from dragging me out of the car to rip me apart. Nothing aside from who was sitting next to me. But I still felt like I couldn't just leave.

I turned my attention to the dark beast still in the road. Teeth gleaming in the moon light. A cruel smile over what him and his pack had already done. Without a second thought I got the car out of park and slammed down on the gas. Elly was jerked forward in his seat as my car sped forwards directly towards the monster on front of us. The thing could have jumped out of the way but I think he wasn't expecting it and his reaction had been delayed.

My car slammed into the werewolf knocking him back. I expected more damage to both him and the car but we got off pretty alright. That was until I pulled the car in reverse and ran directly over the creatures' legs, it howling in pain. It was not good for my junker of a car, but it was worst off for the wolf. I could only risk running over it once. I saw more of the wolves in the woods glaring at us. Slamming on the gas once more we sped off leaving the monster with a set of broken and twisted legs in the road. Even as I drove, I could see that his legs were healing and snapping back into place. I doubted I did any lasting damage but I was sure I hurt its pride.

The others in the woods could have caught us before we got away, but my passenger must have scared them enough to stay away.

We were silent for a very long time as I drove along the empty road listening to my car make grinding noises from time to time.

"Was that stupid?" I asked finally.

"Yes. But justified."

I wanted to laugh. The whole night had just been so out there I didn't know what else to do. But I held it in thinking it would be in poor taste. Once my racing heart slowed down, I noticed I was going well over the speed limit. I thought to slow down but would rather the ticket instead of those creatures catching up.

Elly didn't talk to me again until we arrived to the police station.

"Are those things going to find me?" I asked slowly.

"No. I doubt it. They're unaware of your relationship with me. If you had some future use and they killed you, I would be very upset with them. And creatures of the night do not wish to upset me."

I sighed in relief but it came too soon.

"However, since you have encountered something like them you are more likely to encounter something else you humans would call supernatural. You're almost guaranteed to be killed by a supernatural threat after surviving the first one. I am unsure of when that shall happen. It could be when you're a hundred or a week from now. Going by you luck, seeing as you came across myself and a pack of... wolves in the same night I think you don't have a long life."

I should have been worried about my bleak outlook, but I couldn't help but want to laugh again by Elly apparently being embarrassed calling them werewolves. I wonder why he disliked it so much.

"Is there anything I can do about that?" I asked hoping for a good answer.

"Enjoy the life you have left. You humans could die at any second. You just so happen to know the most likely reason why you are to parish. I would suggest not to fear it. Just live the way you would like."

It wasn't the answer I was hoping for but I would take it. My face fell trying to figure out what my life would be like from now on. How I would be able to live knowing there was things in the dark just waiting for me. Elly noticed my face and let out a small sigh. He looked from me and the police station we were parked in front of.

"You did do me a favor so I shall grant you one in return. If you come across something of the night, and if you have time to do so, tell them you are useful to The Silver King. However, you may only use my name once. And I do not promise the thing you face shall spare you. It only gives you a better chance of survival."

I didn't know much about his world but even I could tell that was a great big favor he was giving me. I was thankful for it. Just dropping his name may give a few more years onto my life. He saved me twice that night. And all because I gave him a ride.

"Thank you." I gave him a smile and watched as he got out of the car. I waiting until he was on the steps on the police station out of habit. He could handle himself but I still wanted to make sure he got safely inside. I sent my sister a message saying I was late bit I was going to be there soon. Then I drove off leaving the odd child behind.

Since then, I hadn't seen anything strange. I sold my car while I stayed at my sister's place and got a new one. Just in case a certain wolf remembered what hit him while I drove back home. I didn't tell my sister what happened aside from finding a kid on the side of the road and turning him in. There was a report of a car found on the highway but I didn't want to know any more information about it. I don't want to know who was lost that night and how I couldn't do anything to help.

I still can't help but wonder how Elly is doing and who he was meeting that night. But it's best if I never see him again and never find these answers.

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