King Interrupting A Date 1

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My 30th birthday was an ordinary day. I splurged on a cupcake for myself and my father send me a birthday message the day before. He always got the day mixed up. I worked my shift without any of my co-workers being aware of what day it was. Only when I arrived back home ready for bed after a long shift the embarrassing thought dawned on me. I was thirty and I was still a virgin.

In my teen years I was an emotional wreck after losing my mother. Just getting out of bed was an achievement back then, let alone talking to girls trying to hook up. After moving out and getting two jobs to survive, I went from crappy job to crappy job just trying to get by. Dating wasn't even considered. I wonder if I was just the type of person alright being alone. If I had a good job and the security to spend time looking for someone, I might find I was alright by myself. That night with a few hours of my birthday remaining, I wasn't thinking of that idea. I was only thinking about how people would judge me if they found out my sorry state of a dating career.

I was getting older. If I kept putting off trying to find the right time to find someone that might never happen and I would die with no one at my funeral. I decided then I would sign up for some online dating sites and see what happens. I might find someone. I might not. I wanted to at least be rid of the black mark on my character that was my v-card even if I had no clue how to go about it.

The next two weeks I was signing up for a few dating sites and apps to get no responses. I was not a catch so I wasn't expecting much. I'm a little shorter than averaged. I have a common looking face and not much going on job wise. I didn't have much to offer in a relationship and if the girls wanted a quick hook up, they literally had thousands of other guys to choose from.

I was in shock that after two weeks I received a notification from a girl I'd matched with. She was cute and way out of my league. At first, I thought she was a bot. However, her profile checked out. She was real and for some unfathomable reason, talking to me. I still wondered what the catch was. I agreed to meet up for a coffee on the next Friday night to see where thing would head. If she was using a very flattering angle or outdated photos, I would still see her. She was very nice and easy to talk with. Being pretty was just a bonus.

I have gone on dates before. I barely considered them dates though. Some coffee with a female friend, or some hang outs with them. It never went anywhere. Having a real first meet up with a girl made me extremely nervous. Before meeting I'd let slip some of my flaws and lack of experience but somehow, she still wanted to meet. If she found me too underwhelming after coffee, there would be no hard feelings.

She showed up on time, saw me at a table and gave a big smile and a wave. She was tall, thin, had the cutest shade of red hair and perfect teeth. Yet again I wondered why a girl like her ever agreed to see me. The moment she sat down the awkward tension I'd expected wasn't there. We spoke as if we knew each other for years. Looking back on our date I realized we talked like old friends. I never expected this to go beyond a date so there was no hinting or flirting. Just two people having a very nice chat over coffee.

That friendly atmosphere must have been the thing that got me an invite to go out for some dinner after. I was free and agreed. It wasn't anything special. We bought some fast food, brought it to a park to sit and eat while the sun set.

I sensed that Vicky enjoyed spending time with someone who wasn't trying to take her home. I guess I'm old fashioned and thought that sort of thing should be hinted at when you got to know each other a little bit more. Heaven forbid someone even make a suggestion of such things on a first date. After we finished eating, I realized after talking to her for at least two hours I didn't really know much about her. She seemed a little bit pressured in her job stating she wasn't suited for anything else but never told me what that job was.

The sun set while we ate. I didn't want her alone in the dark so I offered to walk her to her car, or to the bus stop if she took one to get to the coffee shop. Standing under a park light she shuffled her feet looking like she was trying to debate something.

"Could you just walk me home? I can cut through the park but it's pretty scary at night." Vicky asked head down looking shy.

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