King On the Bus 6

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I snapped at him feeling pretty angry and confused. When something moved and fluttered around under the trench coat I moved back.

"I can't go into too many details. You know those rules I told you earlier? The figure broke them. Not only did it take bus drivers making it impossible give riders a chance, it tried to kill me after we pulled in. I assume it would have killed you if I didn't demote it first."

"I need a whole lot of information. Like what that thing is and what you mean by demote? Are you it's... boss?"

"You actually don't deserve any information. You should just be leaving but... I shall tell you a little. I am not it's boss. I am its king."

I stifled a snicker. Elly went on.

"This figure is a type of creature that must go by certain rules to take humans. The more humans it takes, the stronger it gets. The stronger it is, the rules it goes by changes. If it finally gets strong enough, the final rule is just a human looking at it. But none really make it to that rank. They cheat trying to get stronger faster. It's my job to find these trouble makers and knock them down a few ranks."

"I guess that makes sense. So, I guess I'm lucky you came by to save me huh."

"I did not save you. I gave you information. You drove the bus. You didn't look behind you. If you looked before I did, you would have been killed. You followed the rules this creature has been bound too."

Elly was giving me a hard look. But I could tell he was trying to act tough in front of the creature hiding under the trench coat. He was the one who offered to look first, but he was trying to act it as if I was the one who had made the choice. I didn't know what the big deal was. So, what if he helped me out? But he was so adamant I decided to drop it. I heard a noise behind me before I could really answer him and looked over to see that the bus back door had opened. When I looked back only Elly sat but the black trench coat gone.

"You should go home now and forget this entire thing."

Elly got up and started to leave the bus and I followed behind him. The bus depo was within walking distance of my place. I could easily get back home, but it would be impossible to forget what had happened. A man died. I saw something unnatural. And I sorta stole a bus for a few blocks.

"I'm not going to be arrested for anything, am I?"

"No. You'll be fine. Just go home."

Elly was about to walk away from me but I couldn't let him go just yet. I had a spare light jacket in my bag along with my work clothes. I stopped him and placed the jacket on his shoulders.

"It's cold out. And you got your sweater torn."

"You shouldn't be so kind to me. I used you as bait."

Even if that was the case, I still forgave him. Because of him I lived another night. No matter how much he wanted to deny it. He was very embarrassed after I gave him a big hug. He tolerated it, but soon was trying to struggling to get out of my arms.

"Don't ever talk to me again."

With that quick dismissal I watched as he jogged across the street and away from me. I thought he was a good kid, but I had to agree. I never wanted to see him again.

I didn't take the bus again. I spent a stupid amount on cab rides until I got a new car to drive to work.

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