King Interrupting A Date 3

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In a blink of an eye, Vicky was standing in front of me, then a towering monster took her place. Its fur was he same shade of her orange reddish hair. The face had slanted fox like eyes and countless sharp teeth ready to rip into me. The beast looked almost like a fox. But a fox mixed with a female body builder. When the large hand with sharp claws started to reach towards me, I did the thing any sane person would facing that beast down. I ran screaming into the woods.

My mind was blank from terror. I just ran. Branches slapped at my face cutting and tearing at my clothing. My actions should have cost me my life. Instead of turning around to run along the path, I ran into the trees getting lost in the dark leaving a perfect trail for Vicky to follow me. There is a chance that if I stayed on the trail a and in the open, she could easily catch me. I just ran repeating 'what the hell' through my head until I tripped on a root landing painfully on the ground.

I scrambled to get up legs on fire and lungs heavy. I snapped out of my panic to frantically pull out my phone. I tried calling 911 only to have the call not even connect. I went down my list of contacts trying anyone with no luck. I then tried texting my father. The message just sat loading, refusing to send. My phone was useless. Still, just in case the text went through after I was killed that night, I sent a message to my father telling him I loved him and oddly enough, one to Vicky. She'd given me her number so I sent a message telling her I enjoyed our date.

Alright, so what if she was a monster that just set me up to be eaten and this text may never send? I didn't want any regrets in the end. It was a nice date until the whole monster thing. I didn't have a chance to thank her yet for meeting a guy like me even if the plan was to kill me the entire time.

I put my phone away trying to keep moving in the woods trying to figure out where the hell I was. The moon was nearly full giving me enough light to see by, still I was still lost with no hope of getting out of the woods. Vicky might think I would go back to the path so even if I could find it, so it wasn't an option. I just walked along, sprinting in short bursts hiding behind trees trying to cover more ground.

After a while the false hope started. No sounds came from the trees making me think I somehow got away from her. Right when I thought I might make it, I heard a booming cackling laugh that sounded as if it was surrounding me. A laugh a hyena would be jealous of. I darted around sweat drenching my back. She could be close by. In the dim light I saw a small burrow large enough for me to fit inside. Without a second thought of what kind of animal could be inside, I squeeze myself into the tight space to buy myself more time.

I checked my phone again quickly to see none of the messages sent yet and it still refused to connect. I stayed in that little tunnel breathing in the scent of dirt with roots jabbing into my back. Again, a hint of hope came.

"Playing hide and seek, are we?" Vicky's voice came sounding so close and distorted being spoken through her dangerous mouth.

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