imagines ~ sherlock having a crush on you

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(teen!lock again because some of you wanted more)

Sherlock having a crush on you would involve

- he's scared about it at first because he's not able to read how you feel about him

- even if he can, he begins doubting it quickly and finds it all too confusing

- he doesn't know who to talk to about it

- he makes sure to send small smiles your way and tries impressing you as often as he can

- when it comes to impressing people, his strong point is deductions

- but he only reveals the good deductions he's made about you to keep him in your good books

- "Oh, did you have a nice weekend?" on every Monday when you meet and him trying to figure out where you went over the weekend

- stalking your instagram at 4am

- and pretending like it was John if he ever gets caught

- he sometimes catches himself staring at you

- blushes when he realises you're staring at him

- he's become more active around school to try and get your attention. he probably signed up for dance club, drama club or the school orchestra just so that you'd notice him around school more

- his parents wondering why he's suddenly so interested in going to high school and signing up for all these events

- they probably figure out it's a crush very quickly now that I think about it

- if it's anything that isn't a deduction he's been planning to tell in his head for the past few hours, he's too nervous to say it

- like, it has to be rehearsed

- whenever he has to approach you for anything else, his knees go all wobbly and he feels butterflies in his stomach

- stays up late at night thinking of how he could've worded things better to not have embarassed himself (not knowing you're impressed by basically anything he does)

- thinks of you when he listens to some songs

- Mycroft notices his new habit of just staring out of the window dramatically with his earphones plugged in, playing soft music

- he's probably choreographing a whole pas de deux in his head

- you do the same but it's a music video

- him dropping out of school trips and huge events just because he's too frightened of the prospect of having a conversation with you or spending time with you (he's worried about what you'll think of him when you really get to know him)

- you calming him down during a trip and him not being able to calm down because ??? you're the reason for this?? but you're telling him to keep calm???

- he also gets jealous very easily

- wanting to like your new instagram posts immediately but waiting so that he doesn't seem too eager

- wanting to comment on them but being too unsure about what to say

- he's so happy everytime you both manage to hold a long conversation over chat. it's a medium he's more comfortable with

- one time you both had to video call for a project and he had to turn his camera off because his face was red from all the excitement

- John and Greg keep hinting things at you, but you don't get it

- probably required a huge intricate plan with all your friends and all of Sherlock's friends for you both to finally admit you like eachother

- but it was worth it 💞

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