(teen!lock) Just tell her (part 2)

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It was finally Saturday. Mary had texted you her address, and now here you were, waiting at her door after ringing her doorbell. You were nervous. New people. New friends. Were they your friends? You didn't really know. You wouldn't really have agreed to something so social if it weren't for the charity thing. And the slight crush you had on the tall boy with the beautiful dark curls called Sherlock Holmes. This was frightening. Were you really going to spend the whole day with him?

Your thoughts were interrupted by Mary opening the door and greeting you with a wide smile. "I'm so glad you could make it!" She exclaimed as she pulled you into a hug. "I've kept everything ready. Should we start now or wait for Sherlock and John?"

"Uh... I don't know. Doesn't really matter. Are they on their way?"

Mary smiled. "The last I'd texted John, Sherlock was still getting ready. I guess they'll be on their way now."


Sherlock sighed as he pulled the blue jumper off his head. Does she even like blue? I guess she does. She wears it a lot. Maybe something less baggy? He pulled out a black shirt. Too dark. Maybe red? Too bright. Beige jumper? Boring. Purple shirt? Maybe. White shirt? Not bad. But it'll look like the school uniform again. WHAT WOULD SHE LIKE?!?!?! 

"Sherlock!" John knocked on his door. "Hurry up! Mary texted me that she's there already."

"Just give me a minute!"

"Sherlock, dear, don't keep them waiting!" His mum called out from downstairs.

"Hang on!" He yelled. Okay, white shirt with the blue jumper? Or blue shirt with the beige jumper? He finally decided on the white shirt and the blue jumper.

"What's wrong? You never take this long." Mrs. Holmes knocked on his door.

"Coming!" He shouted and grabbed his phone and raced out, only to run back in to brush his teeth again. 


Mary and you had been waiting for about half-an-hour when Sherlock and John rang the doorbell. You knew it was them when you heard them bickering outside.

"-today, Sherlock! God, I don't think I'll ever understand you."

"Shut up, John. It's not happening today."

"Y'know, when I first told Mary-"

"You're late. We've been waiting here for half-an-hour." Mary said, opening the door and folding her arms.

"Hi," you said.

John smiled warmly at you while Sherlock just looked helplessly at Mary.

"Let's get started, then?" John broke the awkward silence.


"We've kept everything ready. Since somebody couldn't come here on time and help us," Mary said, shooting a look at Sherlock and John. You giggled.

"Sorry. John's fault," Sherlock said.

"I'm sorry- It's what now?!?!" John glared at him.

Sherlock shrugged and quickly glanced at you, looking away as soon as he noticed that you noticed him. You looked pretty today. 

Mary glanced at the two of you and slowly smiled, getting her phone out.

"Hey, so the whole class kinda knows about the baking thing that I do. I post stories on Instagram when we usually bake," she began explaining. "Do you mind if I click a photo of you two? Share it, tell everyone you guys are now in the team too?"

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