|# 8| In the Air |# 8|

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖: Write a poem from the point of view of a sports ball.

Today my dream will come true.
The last test revealed I have the right hue.

I'll rise amongst all the great,
like Ted, Willie and my favorite: Babe.

I've been training all my life for this.
I've got one chance; let's hope I don't miss.

The crowd is cheering as I arrive.
Oh, I have never felt more alive!

Now I just have to hit that wood,
one home run and all will be good.

But strike one and two I miss...
One last try. I've got this!

I fly high and hit the wood.
Being hit never felt so good.

Higher and higher in the air,
no one did it with so much flair.

But I am stopped by a glove.
I look at the field from above.

The crowd is cheering like never before
'cause such a splendid home run will be seen no more.

The kid gets me a wonderful tattoo
to celebrate the day both our dreams came true.

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