|# 37| Zamm Thwack's Lesson |# 37|

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖: Write a poem using the words Pow, Zap, Zamm, Whack, Thwack, Splat, Powie, Blurp and Arrgh.

Powie Whack and Zamm Thwack
always had each other's back.

Where Whack went,
Thwack followed.

And the words Whack spoke,
Thwack swallowed.

Until one day Zamm Thwack had enough.
"Arrgh," he said. His voice was gruff.

"Pow does what he wants,
but never what I need.
He's a bad influence, indeed."

Zap Splat had listened to what Zamm Thwack said.

"If you want others to respect you, you should make your own bed.

Besides, why would you follow others,
if you can follow your own heart?

That's what you should have done from the very start."

He let out a Blurp.

"Don't be such a derp."

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