|# 55| Once Upon A Time: The Poet And His Rhyme |# 55|

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖: Write a "Once upon a time" poem, the first line must be "Once Upon A Time".

Once Upon A Time
a poet lost his rhyme.

He searched land and sea.
Where it was? He had no idea.

When he finally came home,
broken and worn,
he found it on the ground,
covered with thorns.

He huffed and puffed,
but it fought back.
The poet didn't give it slack.

Yet he was the one who gave up in the end.
The rhyme just wouldn't bend.

But as he gave it enough time,
the thorns left his rhyme.

Slowly both healed
as their grieving was revealed. 

They reunited at last
forgetting their past.

Their friendship once again filled with laughter
and they lived happily ever after.

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