Chapter I

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Stepping down the steps of the plane named Ash Ketchum from the Kanto region. Psyched to see the many new pokemon in the brand new Unova Region. "Wow.. I can't wait to battle the first gym pikachu!" Ash pyched. "Well with that much excitement I dought you know were you're going," someone said escorting the plane. She had skin as dark as a wild Patrat scurrying in the tiny woods, her her blacker then the night sky, she had bangs toped with a hat that spelled out "grass", she had short hair making her look elegant. She wore a bright white jacket that had a tiny grass Snake pokemon labeled "Snivy" across from it.

"And what does that mean?!" Ash yelled. "It means, kid, that having too much confidence is not always the answer- Is that a pikachu!? I've never seen one up close! They're really rare in the Unova region!" The person stated snatching the electric mouse from its trainers shoulder. "Pika pi..." Pikachu sighed.

"Hi! My name is Arie and I want to become a graaaaaaas!" Arie yelled as Pikachu jolted a powerful electric shock on her.

"Snivy... Sni..." Snivy chilled crawling out of her trainers backpack.

"What's that?" Ash questioned.

"A snivy! You see, snivy are very intelligent and smart pokemon, but many people say my snivy is different then other starter snivy found in the Unova region," Arie explained.

"Cool!! Do you have any other pokemon?" Ash asked.

"Pika?" Pikachu added.

"Sure do! COME ON OUT GANG!" Arie yelled. Four pokeballs rose into the air as blue aura represented the pokemon.




"Maractus!!" Arie's pokemon yelled with glee.

"Wow those are new!" Ash yelled with excitement.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu yelled with glee.

"Here, use my pokedex!" Arie offered.

"Hey Ash!" His mom yelled. Arie stood up on her feet returning all her pokemon into their correct pokeballs. Without warning the trainer leaped up from his sitting position dropping her pokedex. "Ah! Wait up!" Arie yelled. "Snivy snivy.." Snivy sighed.

*At professor Junipers lab*

"Ash wait slow down!" Arie yelled.

"Snivy snivy!" Snivy added. Completely ignoring the yelling girl behind him, he walked towards the sliding doors, slowly opening to the sides. Still running, Arie finally caught up with Ash and pikachu inside what they call "Professor Juniper's Research Lab."

"Hey Ash! I was looking forward to seeing you!" Prof. Juniper waved.

"I'm afriad this were we part ways dear! Make sure to call me whenever you can!" The lady waved.

"Dear...?" Arie questioned tilting her head sideways.

"Yea! She's my mom!" Ash replied.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu added.

Professor Juniper walked out of a small room with a table that had a pokedex, 5 pokeballs, and a badge case placed on top. "Here are your pokeballs, pokedex, and badge case Ash!" Professor Juniper offered.

"Thanks professor Juniper!" Ash thanked walking out the door.

"Any idea where the Striation gym is Ash?" Arie questioned.

"No clue!" Ash answered with confidence. "Snivy..." " Pika.." The pokemon sighed.

"No worries I'll take you there! Come on!" Somebody yelled tugging on Ash's arm.

"Hey! Wait!!!" Arie yelled.

*End of chapter I*

Btw, u pronounce Arie like R E. Anyways, this is not my first fanfiction, but not much mocha fanfiction so I made one. Trust me, it wont be like a short story, its going to be maybe 2 books long. Enjoy :D!!!!

P.S; the story gets better I promise u, I mean I think, Ugh my fanfiction suck ass I'm Sorry, not Lol. But Yea it does blah.

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