Chapter 18

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Arie paced towards the table and made a signal meaning "Sit down," Taken by the signal, Cilan took a seat in front of Arie.

"Cilan,  I think you know what this conversation is about," Arie mumbled.

"Honestly, I have no clue..." Cilan responded trailing off.

"No clue?? For pete sakes Cilan you're blushing!  I maybe stupid, but I am smart enough to notice that you know what this is about," Arie angered.

  "Arie what are you talking about?" Cilan wondered.


"Huh?" Ash yelled waking up.

"Oh nothing Ash! Sorry I woke you up go back to sleep!" Arie whithered.

"Snviy.." Snivy sighed.

"Well I can't now!" Ash complained.

"Uhhhhh. Snivy be a dear and come over here!" Arie pleaded holding her anger in.

"Snivy?" Snivy questioned.

"Snivy, I need you and Pikachu's help to distract Ash so I can get the truth out of Cilan. Go bring her outside or something, I'm pretty sure Articuno left by now and the snow is clearing up, without Ash around, I can get the truth from Cilan, got that?" Arie whispered.

"Snivy!" Snivy soluted and walked ove to where Pikachu was standing.

"Snivy snivy snivy,vy vy sni," Snivy explained.

"Pika pika pikachu pi! Pika pi! Pika pika!" Pikachu demanded tugging on Ash's arm and dragging him outside.

"Pikachu were are you taking me!" Ash grudge.

"Pika pi pi!" Pikachu taunted.

"Pikachu what!" Ash said walking outside and closing the door behind him.

Cilan looked back at the door and smiled as he saw Ash walk out the door. His smile faded once he turned around looking face to face with Arie. "Look me in the eye, and tell me, "I dont like Ash..." Arie demanded.

"I can't lie.." Cilan mumbled crossing his arms and looking down.

"You mean..." Arie hesitated.

"I do like him. That's because-"


"Arie! Why are you yelling!?" Ash yelled barging through the door. "Is there some thing I need to know?" Ash complained.

"Nothing Ash! Just go away please!" Arie squealed.

"I'm old enough!" Ash whined.

"Ash I swear if you don't leave this door and walk outside..." Arie threatened.

"Okay!" Ash listened closing the door behind him.

Arie dug deep into her bookbag looking for a flyer she recently saw on a treetop. After a few minutes looking she pulled out a flyer covered in blue and red that showed Unova region and Kanto region water-type pokemon. "If I know Ash, he loves pokemon, so bringing him to this aquarium would be a dream come true for him!" Arie convinced.

"Okay!" Cilan took.

Cilan took a hold of the flyer and raced towards the door. He shouted Ash's name and hearing it echo in the distance. Not hearing any response, he called once more and the only thing he got back was an echo and little pokemon running towards him.

"Pika pika chu pika!"

"Snivy snivy! Vy snivy snivy snivy!"

"Pika pi pika chu pika!!!"

"Snivy snivy snivy snivy!"

"Pika pi pika..." The pokemon blurted.

"Whoa whoa what are you guys saying??" Cilan wondered getting confused.

"They're saying that Ash got captured by team rocket trying to save Pikachu!! Lets go Cilan, we have to save your boyfriend," Arie teased tugging on Cilan's shirt.

End of chapter 18

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