Chapter 15

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The three are still bundled up in their wooden cabin due to the weather roaring outside. Cilan and Ash where bundled up near a fire with cups of hot chocolate in there hands. "We should all go outside the snow seemed to stop by now, have a break and not be heald hostage in here!" Arie suggested.

"Yea sounds fun Cilan, let's go!" Ash psyched.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu added.

"Oh, and here Cilan!" Arie said tossing a leaf green ccoat towards him.

"Snivy and I made it for you overnight!" Arie explained

"Thanks Arie!" Cilan thanked before putting it on.

"Glad I can help!" Arie saied opening the door.

Everybody hopped outside in the frigid afternoon, with still bits of flurries rushing towards the ground. Piles and piles of snow covered the ground and many pokemon hid in there little home with a lot of food in case of hunger.

Pikachu dashed off of Ash's shoulder and rushed over towards where Snivy was hanging around. On the other hand, Arie was on the side building a snowman with the help of Watchog. "How do you do that Arie?" Ash wondered.

"You dont know how to build a snowman Ash?" Arie teased.

"Not exactly, it's been a long while since I've played in the snow," Ash responded.

"I'll teach you," Cilan volunteered.

"Really?!" Ash psyched.

"Yea, it's simple!" Cilan smiled.

Cilan walked over towards a patch of snow that has not yet been touched. He picked up a bunch of snow and rolled it up to the point where it was all nice and smooth, no dents. "Now first, you must slowly grab snow from the ground and roll it up into a ball like this," Cilan said showing his snowball to Ash. "Now, it doesn't have to be perfect Ash, no difference," He finished.

Following orders Ash grabbed up a pile of snow and did what Cilan said one bye one.

"Now what we do is join them together, exactly like two perfect recipes making one! Now..."

"Look at those two, I'm pretty sure Snivy and Pikachu, they're up to something," Arie glared.

"Pika pika," Pikachu agreed.

"Snivy snivy!"


"What Arie?" Ash asked looking towards her.

"Oh nothing! Haha, get back to work!" Arie stalled. "Sorry about that guys... So Pikachu, what you're saying is, Ash has dated many people but had to leave them because Professor Oak told him "Traveling with new friends can give you more and more confidence within your dreams?"" Arie whispered.

"Pika pi.. Pikachu pika pi," Pikachu explained even more.

"Wait you mean Ash cries? I've known him long enough to know he doesn't cry, but I guess you can never assume," Arie shrugged.

"Snivy snivy vy vy..." Snivy sighed.

"You're right snivy..." Arie said gently picking up her loyal partner and placing her on her lap. "Ash must've had a pretty hard life, and guessing from the information Pikachu gave us, Ash never could tell Professor Oak that he was dating somebody, and I totally understand," Arie paused

"So that has to mean, when Ash and Cilan get a close enough relationship with each and other, after the pokemon league, Ash will be waving his hand goodbye to continue there way to the Kalos region...." Arie saddened.

"Pika.." Pikachu sighed.

"And if you just look at them now, they're already getting closer... If they come to the point to where they're dating, who knows how hard it will be for them to separate. Now that I think about it, it's probably why Ash knocked out in the middle of eating my Macarons, he was probably having a flash foward of what would happen when leaving Unova, it all makes sense now..." Arie summarized.

Arie and the pokemon sat there for a good minute gazing at both Cilan and Ash. Getting sadder and sadder at what happens at the end.

"Now that we're done, we decorate it! Right?" Ash wondered.

"Sure we do, just grab a couple of stones and to sticks, you have enough to make a smiley face and arms. this is great! Just like adding ingredients to make a whole!" Cilan compared.

"So you just do this," Ash wondered placing the stone on the snowman.

"Exactly like that! Now if you want," Cilan paused. He gently picked Ash's hat off his head and gently placed it on the snowman.

"Now, it represents both of us, the green scarf and the hat," Cilan smiled gently placing the hat back on Ash.

"Now I think I have a jar in my backpack," Cilan imagined rummaging through his backpack.

"Aha hear!" Cilan found.

"Huh?" Ash wondered.

Cilan scooped up a piece of snow and a rock from the snowman and placed it into the clear jar.

"Keep this Ash, your first snowman," Cilan said handing him the jar.

"Wow thanks Cilan! It looks awesome!" Ash said placing it in his backpack.

"Pikachu, Snivy...." Arie called.



"One day, one will confess, one day, and that day will come very soon," Arie predicted.

"Pika pika..."

"Snivy..." the pokemon nodded.

Who knows who will confess first, but Arie and the pokemon do notice something, we'll fine out...

As the journey continues.

End of chapter 15

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