Chapter 5

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I am so sorry that I deleted two chapters. I wanted to start and go as the show goes. So this chapter will be about when Sweet Pea and Rose go on their date and something happens to Rose not bad but good.

Today was Saturday. Rose was gettimg ready for her date with Sweet Pea. She was very excited. She showered and did her hair. Then she got her outfit ready.
Rose outfit

 Rose outfit

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Once Rose was ready she then when to the living room

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Once Rose was ready she then when to the living room. Alison, Joshua, Sam, Paul and Sweet Pea were in the living room waiting for Rose. "Hey guys" Rose said. They turned to her. Sweet Pea looked at Rose with wide eyes. "Wow you look beautiful" Sweet Pea said. Rose smiled and blushed. "Thank you" Rose said. "You ready to go" Sweet Pea said. Rose nodded. "Be careful you two" Alison said. Rose nodded. They got on to Sweet Pea bike. They rode to pops. Once they got there they say at a table. Rose ordered a chocolate milkshake, a burger and fries. Sweet Pea ordered the same thing. Once there food arrived they started eating and talking. "So how is La Push" Sweet Pea asked. "Its good. I mean it's warm. More open space. The woods that surrounded our house were so beautiful" Rose said. Sweet Pea nodded." Oh and there is also a beach with the best view. But there is a cliff where me, Sam, Paul and our friends would jump off of." Rose said." it sounds lile fun. You might have to take me to La Push with you" Sweet Pea said. Rose nodded."definitely" Rose said. Sweet Pea and Rose finished their food and went to the quarry. They walked near the water." So why did you leave" Sweet Pea asked. Rose froze. She couldn't tell Sweet Pea about her turning into a wolf. Even though he was her imprint. She couldn't tell him." well I don't remember why we left but I know it was because something that my parents was dealing with" Rose said. Sweet Pea nodded. They walked hand in hand and talked more. Sweet Pea then dropped off Rose at her house. But before Rose could walk inside she turned to Sweet Pea. "I had fun tonight" Rose said. "Glad you did" Sweet Pea said. "Hopefully we can do this again" Rose said. Sweet Pea smiled knowing that his crush wants to go on another date with him. "Yeah I'll let you know" Sweet Pea said. Rose nodded and kissed Sweet Pea on the cheek. "See you" Rose said then walked inside the house. She closed the door and sighed happily. "So how did it go" Alison asked. "It was good. We had a good time" Rose said. Alison smiled and nodded. Rose went to her room and laid on her bed. She smiled at the day she had.
Rose woke up on Monday morning. She got up ready for school.
Rose outfit

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