Chapter 6

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So I know that I said I wouldn't put Joise in but I am putting her in the story. But there will be nothing between Josie and Sweet Pea. Also lets just pretend that Jughead is a serpent in season 1 already but no one besides Rose, Sam and Paul know he is a serpent. Lets just pretend. So on to the story.

It was the next day. Rose woke up to see Sweet Pea still cuddled to her. She smiled and got up and got ready for school.
Rose outfit

Once she was ready she went to her room to ser Sweet Pea awake

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Once she was ready she went to her room to ser Sweet Pea awake. "Do you have to go" Sweet Pea asked. "Yes I do. Its school" Rose said. Sweet Pea sighed and nodded. "Hurry back" Sweet Pea said. Rose nodded. Then she kissed Sweet Pea forehead amd walked to the car and went to go get Jughead. Once she did they rode to school together. It was like a routine that would continue a lot. They got to school and went to the student lounge. "Hey I actually have to go talk to someone but I'll be back" Rose said. Jughead nodded. Rose walked to the bathroom. She then answered her phone. "What" Rose asked. "Wow is that how you greet your boyfriend" Sweet Pea asked. "I'm in school Pea I can't always talk to you all the time even though I want to" Rose said. "I'm sorry I'll leave you alone. I'll see you later" Sweet Pea said with a disappointed voice. Rose was about to say something but Sweet Pea hung up she sighed. Then she walked back to the lounge to see the boys fighting. Rose got a jock off of Jughead and helped Archie. They all went their seperate ways." you okay" Rose asked Jughead. He nodded. Soon enough it was the pep rally. Rose was standing right beside Jughead. She wasn't going to dance with the vixens. Besides it like she choreograph's the dances in this case she didn't. Joshua and Alison came as they were proud of their children. Archie then walked to Jughead and Rose. "Girl trouble" Rose said. "You" Jughead finished. "Grundy and me. We're telling Weatherbee. At least I am" Archie said. " Also I didn't mean that crap I said to you. I'm sorry. Both of you" Archie said. Jughead looked at Rose. She smiled at him." It's cool" Rose said." we're not gonna hug in front of this whole town. So why don't we both just do the bro thing where we nod like douches. And mutually suprese our emotions" Jughead said. They all laughed. Then Archie looked at Rose who sighed." come here" Rose said. Archie laughed and they both hugged. They pulled away. They all came to terms and are friends. Rose watched as Mayor McCoy had announced what tonight was about. This pep rally was for Jason. Soon Josie and her pussycats came out and started singing. Rose and Josie were friends. They loved music. Rose did like music. She dod write songs she just never showed people them. Once the song finished Josie saw Rose and blew a kiss at her friend. Rose smiled and did the same back. "So you and Mayor McCoy daughter" Jughead asked. "We have a love for music and song writing so we got a long" Rose said. Soon the bulldogs came out and Rose cheered as her little brother was apart of the bulldogs. Then out of nowhere Cheryl took off running. Everyone was confused on what happened. Then Rose ran after Cheryl. Rose found Cheryl sitting on the bench in the girls locker room. "Cheryl? What's wrong" Rose asked. "Jason. He's gone" Cheryl said sobbing. "I know. I know he is" Rose comforted the girl. "No you don't. You don't understand. He was supposed to come back" Cheryl said. Rose got confused but didn't say anything. "I'm alone. I'm alone" Cheryl said sniffling. "Your not alone. It's okay" Rose said comforting the girl. Cheryl hugged Rose. Rose hugged her back. Then once Cheryl calmed down they went their separate. Rose walked back to Jughead and saw Archie. "Hey what's up" Rose asked. "Me and Archie were going to pops. Wanna go" Jughead asked. "I wish I could but I got something to do. So rain check" Rose asked. The boys nodded and said they're goodbyes. Rose got on her bike and rode to her home. Once she got home she went to her room and packed an overnight bag. She left a note to her parents telling them where she was gonna be at. Rose got on her bike and went to Sweet Pea trailer. She got inside and into his bedroom. She saw him sleeping. Rose sighed softly. Rose got into her pajamas which were shorts and her bra. Rose got in the bed with Sweet Pea. She started to play with his hair. Which woke Sweet Pea up. Sweet Pea looked to see Rose next to him. "Hey" Rose said. "Hi" Sweet Pea said. Rose sat up. "Im sorry if it felt like I didn't want to talk to you. I was at school and I wish I could speak with you all day I just couldn't" Rose said. "Its fine. I'm the one who should be sorry." Sweet Pea said. Rose then had an idea. "How about this. Tomorrow after I am done with school I will come home and we can go to pops and spend the rest of the day together" Rose said. Sweet Pea nodded. Rose laid on the bed and Sweet Pea cuddled Rose. Soon they both fell asleep together in each others arms.
~The next day~
Rose was in class sitting next to Jughead. Then Principal Weatherbee and Sheriff Keller walked in the classroom. Cheryl stood up and held her hands up. Soon they took her out of the classroom and took her to the office for questioning.

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