Chapter 13

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Jaylyn paused the knife blade less than a centimeter from Samuel Treen’s face; he opened his eyes slightly and saw the grin on her face. “You know what’s better than one knife Treen? Two.” 

            She watched his eyes open in fear, the pupils dilating to cover most of the color in his eyes, as she took out her second knife and moved back a bit to examine him a bit; as if deciding where to attack him now.

            “Don’t do this…” Treen clutched the dropped item, a cell phone, behind his back tightly. “I have a family.”

            “Interesting… perhaps they would like to join us.” Jaylyn replied as she began to walk closer again.

            “No, leave them out of this!”

            Jack gave an irritated sigh. “This is boring, Jaylyn are you going to kill him or not?”

            “Words are torture as well Jack, not just physical wounds… you would do well to learn that.” Jaylyn nearly whispered the words in a chillingly emotionless voice. “But you’re right. NYPD has probably already started tracking the location, we should finish this.”

            Jaylyn slashed forward with both knives causing Treen to flinch to the side, the knives cut through the old rope easily and she spun around to face Jack once Treen had managed to start breaking through the rest. Jack winced as she threw one of the knives into his shoulder and gave her a betrayed look. Treen glanced between them and Jaylyn turned back to face him.

            “Call the others for help.” She ordered him before turning back to Jack as he pulled out his new weapon.

            “You lied to me.” Jack spat as they started circling each other. “To save Treen… You are a strange immortal, no wonder we never got along.”

            “He wasn’t the same Samuel Treen who killed me.” Jaylyn said half to herself.

            She barely limped out of the way as Jack lunged towards her with the knife, she jabbed her own out at him but Jack moved out of the way while kicking her injured leg out from under her. Jaylyn gave a shout of pain and glared at him before pulling out her gun and shooting him twice in the chest. Jack’s eyes filled with pain and he clenched his jaw before stumbling forward and dropping down to the ground, purposefully landing on her to pin her down and drive the kitchen knife through her chest and twisting it around as blood gushed out from his own wounds. She managed to kick him back with her good leg and roll away from him before getting back to her feet, blood was running down her back now as well she could feel it, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out her stitches were breaking.

            “Come on, don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got Sladen.” Jaylyn taunted as she struggled to breathe.

            “Not even close.” Jack held up her gun that she had dropped when he had stabbed her. “Look, now I hold the most toys. This party is just starting.”

            Jaylyn backed away, casting a glance at where Treen had been; he was now gone. Pain flared through her side as a gunshot rang through the abandoned warehouse, she ducked behind some rubble before he could attack again and crouched down as blood poured from her wounds, against her will memories of the last time she had died began to play through her mind.

            It was silent, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t see, and she could feel anything. The pain was gone but she didn’t feel okay ether. Panic began to spread through her as she looked around the bright white world for anything, anyone that could be familiar to her. Nothing. Jaylyn wasn’t sure how long it stayed like that, eventually however she found that she could once again move; though it didn’t help considering there wasn’t anywhere to go to. She heard a cough and whipped around to see a man and woman standing behind her, confusion swept through her for a second and she saw sadness flicker through their eyes.

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