A ordanary spooky month

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Pump laid on his bed thinking and worried about that if his world was different. Pump started humming in a world of my own' and as He kept humming the song He laid on his bed and looked at the side of the bed the clock said, 5:00pm. Pump sighed layed his pillow and drifted to sleep. Pump felt his phone rang as he picked it up and answered it. "Pump! It's da spooky month!" Pump's friend said on the other side. Pump smiled as he ran over to his house as fast as lightning and making it on time. Let's go get ice cream! He said as he smiled.

After celebrating spooky month skid and pump were gong home when they heard music...It wasn't like someday c c random song from a store, nor just some paranormal Bieber Illuminati that some little mindless child or some weird girl listen to now-a-days...It actually sounds like a peaceful music box...The spooky kids looked around until their eyes passed over an alley were a light comes from a small store...

Skid and pump looked around and walked over to the store to see what's it about...as They got closer to the store, the music grew louder as if it was waiting for them.

Skid and pump stopped when They were just three feet away, looking at the sign that spelled 'Storybook Antique Store..."

They gotten closer, looking through the big glass windows to see a few old Victorian items and toys...Skid and pump hesitated, but They walked to the door and opened it, hearing the small chime of a bell as the door knocked it...

Pump looked around the place, and to his astonishment, He saw how beautiful the place is...He saw a few glass chinas on each corner, and one beside skid was a tea set; there were also some glass animals, some clear, some are in color, most of them were rabbits doing adorable things people do; Skid and pump saw a few stuff animals on each shelf and table, including a few old hello kitty dolls; a tiny carnival set; a boyfriend plushie; some happy fellas; and a few old toys, including an old stack of cards; and a few story books...

Pump looked around more and tried reading one of the books, until He and skid heard a voice, "Welcome..."

They shot a look at a man in black pants and white dress shirt with a black tie and vest, he had a scar across his face, his hair was hidden under a black top hat, but They can see the silver color...but what caught pump's attention the most were two green orbs, sharpened with a green glow that resembles the Northern lights in the Arctic Circle...They were the most prettiest eyes He had ever seen...

Skid and pump noticed his sweet smile frowned as he asked, "Is something the matter, kids?"

Pump was about to let out a scream in shock until skid covers his mouth. "Don't worry my friend was not screaming in agony just now!" Skid said.

The man returned his smile with a simple chuckle, "It's quite alright kids, come sit down. Maybe some refreshments will calm you."

Pump thought He should say no since it might sound wrong to have refreshments with someone you don't know, but his tummy took over his mind, so He and skid let him guide them to a comfy couch and sat there.

He smiled and spoke, "Is there any drink you like? There's tea, milk, and, for people here now-a-days, soda."

Pump looked at him and replied, "W-we'll have a coke soda."

He nodded and left the room, leaving them to look around more...There were so many things that fascinated the spooky kids that They don't know what to describe first...

Pump noticed he came back with two small bottles of coke-cola, a fancy tea cup that, for what Pump thinks, is filled with tea, and a small plate of cookies that shaped like bones and hearts.

Skid hesitated, but He tried one chocolate chip cookie, and Was surprised it wasn't drugged nor anything, just a simple cookie and a single bottle of soda that hasn't even been opened yet.

He looked at them and spoke, "Please do enjoy yourselves, it's not everyday to see such a nice customers walking into the shop at night."

"T-thank you..." Pump replied.

He smiled and spoke again, "You look like the kind of pumpkin with a creative mind..."

Pump smiled and spoke, "W-well, I kinda do celebrate spooky month with my friend and I love to imagine things...but..."

Just when Pump said it, He looked down and spoke, "But because of my grandpa's behavior and my parents death in a car accident, I always want to escape to another world...almost like when Dorothy visits Oz...or Alice falling into Wonderland..."

Pump noticed his orbs flinched, but He continued, "I...I just wish to have an adventure, make new friends and meet the one I love...Sometimes I wish I was in Wonderland..."

The man hesitated when he drink his tea...then he spoke as he finished, "That's a very interesting mind you have..."
Skid patted pump on his shoulder to comfort him as he smiled
Pump looked down as He ate another cookie, "I guess you thought I'm weird, right?"

They saw him shook his head and spoke, "Of course not," He then smiled, "Your mind is beautiful..."

Pump smiled again as He drinks his soda, and just to hide the fact He was, Skid looked around the room more in delight, which He noticed he caught his attention, "I see you are in favor of this little shop."

Skid nodded, "Yes We are....It is a very nice place...I actually wish I have enough for many things." The man chuckled and spoke, "It's fine, kids, you're more than welcome to visit here, but for now, you may pick out what you like.

Skid and pump both looked excited and stood up, "Really?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yes, you may buy one, or a few!"

They smiled, thanked him, and looked around the room.

It's hard to find until Skid found a stuffed tiger and pump found something that caught his attention...it was a white plush bunny in a cute tail coat, a red vest and a red scarf to tuck in, and glasses.

He smiled and pick it up. "I choose this one..."

He walked over and smiled, "Ah, you mean Sebastian?"

Pump looked up at him, "Sebastian?"

He nodded, "Yes, he is a sweet bunny, but he worries quickly about time and schedules."

Punp giggled from that small imagination and paid the shopkeeper with skid.

Just when they was about to leave, he spoke, "Have a nice day, kids...take care of your souls, dearly!"

They looked at him, couldn't tell what he meant, but thanked him for everything and continued to walk home.

As skid and pump walked home with their new stuffed animals skid had a brilliant idea. "Hey pump lets go to the woods and find lemon demon maybe he'll like them" skid said . pump smiled and agreed as they ran into the woods

Pump ran faster into the forest. as he ran not noticing how deep in he is without skid he trips on a Fallen branch and fell on a rock hitting his head hard on it, as his eyes Slowly closed all he could hear is skid calling pump's name far in the distance until his eyes finally closed getting knocked out cold....

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