The cheshire lemon demon returns (srry this chapter is short :v)

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There was a half moon above pump. And there it is now seemed to move around while a familiar voice was singing a familiar song.

Voice: And the momeraths out to grabe

Pump looked around and the half moon revealed to be a grin.

"Oh, Lemon it's you!" Pump looked up, happy to see lemon again.

"Whom did you expect?" the cat asked. "Skid perhaps?"

"Oh, no, no, no, I'm through with kids dressed as rabbits." Pump replied. "I want to go home, but i can't find my way."

"Naturally! That's because you have no way. All ways here you see are the QUEEN'S WAY!" the demon told him.

"What Queen?" Pump asked. "I never met any Queen."

"You haven't?" the cat asked him. "But you must! She'll be mad about you! Simply mad!" he burst out laughing, nearly disappearing.

"Please, please!" Pump stopped him. "How can i find her?"

"Well, some go this way, and some go that way, but as for me, myself, I prefer the shortcut." the cat told pump, pulling a branch down to show an entrance to the kingdom, outside the forest.

"Oh!" Pump beamed, looking through it.

"maybe this queen knows how i can get back home." Pump said.

The pumpkin then walked through the tree door, entering a kingdom with strange tankmen working.

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