The cheshire Lemon Demon

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Pump made his way in a deep forest a little startled by the atmosphere, but wasn't too frightened of it.

"Now let's see." Said pump. "Where was I?" he said.

There were signs saying things like "This Way" and "That Way".

"Hmm... I wonder which way we ought to go." Exclaimed Pump. he tried to decide where to go, but heard ominous singing that made him worried that something was Going to scare him.

Voice: Twas brilling and the slivey toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe

All mimsy in the borogroves

And the momeraths out to grabe

"Now, where in the world do you suppose that...?" Pump started to ask himself as he heard the unusual singing.

"Uh, lose something?" a voice asked.

Pump looked around, but didn't find anyone there with him. He then looked surprised and saw a huge, malicious appearing grin in a tree before them.

"Oh! Well uh..." Pump tried to explain but couldn't find the right words.

"I...I was um, no, i-I-I- was uhh.. i was just wondering." Exclaimed Pump.

"Oh, that's quite alright," the grin said, forming two eyes and lemon demon with cat ears and striped body and tail appeared before him. "Oh, second chorus!" he began to sing again, then pump realized what he was dealing with.

Lemon demon: Twas brilling and the slivey toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe

"Why, why lemon're a cat!" Pump pointed out.

"A Cheshire Lemon demon." The feline replied. He then began to sing again and vanish before their eyes.

Cheshire Lemon demon: All mimsy in the borogroves

"Oh wait! Don't go please!" cried pump.

"Very well." The cat came back. "Third chorus..."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, thank you, b-but I was just wanted to ask you which way i ought to go since I'm lost." Pump explained.

"Well, that depends on where you want to get to." Lemon said.

"Oh, it doesn't really matter, as long as I-"

"Then it really doesn't matter which way you go." The cat's paw-prints started to disappear with him as they circled pump. The cat jumped into another tree and became partially visible for him. "Oh, by the way, if you'd really like to know, he went that way."

"Who did?" Pump asked.

"Skid the white rabbit."

"He did?" Pump sounded excited, while feeling homesick at the same time

"He did what?"

"Went that way."

"Who did?"


"Who's skid?"

"Didn't you just say... Oh, dear..." Pump sounded impatient and irritated.

"Can you stand on your head?" the cat asked, literally standing on top of his head, never taking the grin off his face.

Pump groaned in annoyance.

The cat hopped off his head and placed it back on his neck where it belonged.

"However, if I were looking for a white rabbit named skid, I'd ask the Mad Hatter."

"Mad Hatter?" Pump asked.

He turned to a sign leading to the Mad Hatter, then looked back, nervously. "No, I-I-.."

"Or, there's the March Hare in that direction." The cat suggested.

"Oh, thank you, I think I should visit him." Pump smiled, going to see the March Hare for help.

"Of course... He's mad too..." the cat smirked.

"But, i don't want to go see any mad people especially when they ship me and skid!" said Pump.

"Oh, you can't help it, almost everyone is mad here." The cat started to laugh kookily and suddenly stopped. "You may notice I'm not all there myself..." he then started to laugh again and vanished before their eyes.

The Cheshire lemon demon: And the momeraths out to grabe

"Oh my word, if there are people like that, then we must try not to upset them." Said Pump.

Pump followed a path to see the mad people, hoping they could offer some help.

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