The rabbit hole

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Pump slowly awoke in the woods. " head" pump said as he was about to pick up his rabbit only to realize he isn't in the spot he dropped him. "S- Sebastian?" He looked around but didn't see him.

"What happened to him?"

There are so many questions to ask that came with an undefined answer, what was that shop keeper talking about, and where is that bunny?

Just them, pump heard someone running by yelling in a British velvet accent, "Oh dear, I'm only 1 minute behind schedule already! I must hurry or I'm roasted!"

Punp looked up and saw a familiar face running in a black tailcoat with a red vest and scarf that connects, his skeleton mask his eyes were covered by the gleam of his glasses...Pump thought it's just some kid in a weird outfit until...He noticed something...he has white rabbit ears and a tail...and a skeleton mask...

"Is that...I-It couldn't be..."

He shook his head to check, but he was still there and running across a red wooden bridge and too some kind of rusty golden gate...That outfit...and white bunny features are this part of a dream He's having or...


He already went deeper in the forest, never hearing him as he kept yelling that he's late.

Pump thought it was all just a dream, but it looks very real...

He got up and ran to follow him to catch up...but as He ran across the bridge and through the gate...


Pump froze and turn his head back slowly, seeing the gate's locked up tight!

Pump ran to the gate and tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge, He tried screaming to anyone who might've been taking a hike for help, but nothing worked!

Pump couldn't believe what was happening, He was panicking like a mouse...

However, Pump noticed something amazing that calmed his nerves, a few vines, flowers, and different colored mushrooms were growing around him. Punp looked around to see more flowers and vines grew and many butterflies came, as if nature was welcoming him...

Pump became amazed as He walked there to take a quick look around, but He had to continue his search for skid who recently became a rabbit...

Pump was very nervous about it since he's deep in the forest and He don't know where to start...

But then, He noticed a creek with some flat colorful stones, creating a path, along with signs with different shapes, color, and sizes on the trees.

The pumpkin child stared at the signs, telling him either to Yonder, Come in, and Welcome.

There's also signs that told him, Go Away, Keep Out, and Turn Back.

Pump became confused, yet He followed the creek path to find skid.

Oddly, He kept following through a lacy curtain archway, up the stairs that was connected to a giant tree, acting like a fountain or a waterfall when water comes out of each step.

It was odd that many of those items, like a bird cage or a piano, are placed around here, including a door that was in the trunk of the tree...

Pump stared at the door, looking like the ones in Victorian homes with a small window.

All He can say was, "Am I starting to...See things?"

He kept thinking this could be a dream, but it feels so real...

Pump stared at the door and noticed it has been opened a little...meaning Skid might be in there...Pump took a deep breath and opened the door, seeing nothing but darkness...

"Hello....? Skid....?" Pump yelled that led to an echo through the dark hole...

He used the light on his flashlight to look around and saw it wasn't just a's a tunnel that could led to nowhere...

He tried looking deeper, but He nearly slipped...Pump want to know more of this odd discovery, but He couldn't risk his own life from it...

He was thinking about walking away, until...He felt someone pushing him...At first pump thought it was the wind, but it was two hands...

He looked back, spying a very tall man in black cloak, pushing him through the hole.

Pump gasped with a turn, but caused him to loose his balance and fall from the very spot...down to the black hole...while He heard that man's horrible...horrible laugh...

Pump fell and fell, and all He can do is scream...scream that He might fall to his very own death...

It was a long way down and Pump kept screaming for his own life!

Falling...and falling...and falling until the fall suddenly slows down...

He looked around and noticed a lamp close by...Pump couldn't understand what it's doing here, but turned it on, seeing the entire tunnel now...

The walls of the cave were...walls...not like dirt walls, but like different colored walls, red, green, pink, white, and even checkerboard and stripes...Each light on every room that connects to the lamp fades into different colors...and everywhere Pump saw furniture leaning on the walls or floating around him...

mushrooms were scattered about the walls of the tunnel as a small table with a tea cup that splattered some of the liquid passed him, just like small dolls, playing cards, and clocks of different forms did. Pump also saw some spooky month stuff like decorations, candy, horror movie dvds, horror game discs, even some medicine bottles.

Pump grabbed a bottle and was about to drink it when he felt no liquid going down this throat. "Aww there is no more medicine..." pump said as he put the bottle onto a shelf as he fell past it.

Pump couldn't tell if he's just having a bad dream after he got knocked out earlier...or he was hallucinating worrying about skid too much...

There were a few clear jars that were supposed to be filled with jelly or marmalade, and bottles that suppose to be filled with soda or orange juice sitting around in the cupboards and tables, which suddenly made pump feel a little thirsty...

Just as He noticed everything growing darker, the float slowly turns back into a fall, so He fell again, screaming for his life again!

Screaming and falling, even when He noticed there's a bright light at the bottom, showing the walls are filled with books and doors.

He can finally see the bottom of the long tunnel, seeing nothing but the hard marble floor below him. Pump screamed with his eyes closed as He was falling near the floor only to crash through the floor and land on his stomach and on some wet grass as he gasped for air.
"Ow ow ow ow ow..." he groaned getting on his knees and rubbing his aching head. "T- that wasn't spooky...that was scary!" He said hoping he had to go down another hole ever again.

Pump began to study his surroundings which looked like a forest. He thought it was the same forest but it looked different there were a few big mushrooms and little ones and there was a dirt path with no signs on the trees and it was bright and sunny.
Pump thought he could find skid if he can follow the path so he got up brushed the dust off his suit and walked down the path hoping to find skid at the end...

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