Pump plays croquet

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Skid sounded the trumpet for the croquet match.

"In your places, in your places, by order of the king!" said the King. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Shuffle deck, guards, cut, guards, halt!"

Flamingos of different colors flew into a bag and there were hedgehogs that curled up into ball shapes.

The Queen rolled up her sleeves and chose her flamingo and the white rabbit placed down her hedgehog, ready to play the game. Pump was given a flamingo bag, he took out the birds, but they tried to fly out of his hands and it caused a ruckus.

The Queen had a hard time concentrating. "SILENCE!" she demanded.

Pump fell down on the ground, griping one flamingo by the neck as the other flew off successfully. The flamingo looked rather stupid and incompetent to play the game, but Pump shuts him up to avoid any more distractions.

The Queen was ready now. She swung very swiftly, missing the hedgehog. The King went and urged the hedgehog to go anyway and roll to go through the cards making rings so the Queen wouldn't lose the game and her fiery temper. The hedgehog made it through all the rings and the crowd, cheered for her.

The queen went for her next turn, doing the same like she did earlier. Only this time, a card couldn't make the hedgehog in time and skid on the ground. Everyone looked in surprise and worry, and the card missed the rodent.

"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" the Queen roared, now that her turn was over.

"Off with his head, off with his head!" the King told the guards taking the card away to behead him. "By order of the King! You heard what she said!"

"You're next!" the Queen told Pump.

"AAAHH NO PLEASE DO-!" Pump panicked, thinking he meant the Queen wanted to behead him next.

"My dear." the Queen smiled, friendly.

"Oh.....yes, your Majesty." Pump understood that it was his turn to play. The Queen used her flamingoas seats to see how Pump would do while having smug looks on her face. Pump held his flamingo up to hit the hedgehog, but the flamingo want limp, laughing at him. The Queen chuckled in amusement with this. And the guards thought it was amusing too.

So Pump grabbed the flamingo by the neck, and just as he tried to hit the hedgehog, the flamingo rose up and the crowd laughed. Pump tried to make it stop and hit again, but the bird kept making jokes with him, even kicking his stomach (his ticklish spot :3) and making him laugh.

"Oh, of all the impossible!" the Queen growled to herself.

"Do you want us BOTH to lose our heads?" Pump scolded the pink goofball.

"Uh-huh!" the flamingo nodded, giggling.

"Well, I don't!" Pump hissed, trying to settle the flamingo. He kept having troubles with it and wrestled it all about.

The crowd kept laughing at his misfortune, then settled down and cheered once something else happened. The queen looked excited and saw that the flamingo was going to use him as a mallet instead. Pump was really not amused with this and gestured for the flamingo to come to him, smiling innocently.

The flamingo looked at him, then he was gripped by his neck and the two got in place. Pump then struck the hedgehog, making the poor rodent squeal and roll around the garden, missing the card rings and hitting a bush, making a red rose fall on its head and the crowd laughed again.

The queen felt victorious and walked to have her turn while Pump was very angry. Suddenly pump heard a familiar humming and the Cheshire lemon demon appear on the Queen's behind.

"I say, how are you getting on, pump?" the Cheshire lemon demon asked him.

"Not at all." Pump turned, folding her arms.

"Beg your pardon?" the cat asked.

"I said, not at all!" Pump raised his voice.

"WHOM ARE YOU SPEAKING TO!?" the Queen turned, hearing the volume.

"Oh, umm... A demon, your majesty!" Pump stammered, nervously.

"Demon? Where?" the Queen looked around for the mysterious lemon demon, using his powers to take advantage of pump's innocence.

"There!" Pump tried to point out the cat. "There he is again!"

"I warn you my child." the Queen came to pump with a sickly grin, then a terrifying frown. "IF I LOSE MY TEMPER, YOU LOSE YOUR HEAD! UNDERSTAND!?" the Queen's flamingo nodded, she then went back to have her turn on the game.

"You know." the lemon demon appeared again. "We could make her really angry. Shall we try."

"Oh, no, no! I don't want to have my he-" pump cried.

"Oh, but it's loads of fun." said the Cheshire lemon demon .

Pump tried to stop him, but the cat went to make the Queen angry and get rid of pump forever. The cat then placed the flamingo's beak underneath the Queen's skirt. The Queen swung her flamingo and ended up falling flat on the ground with her bloomers showing, shocking and horrifying them. Pump looked doomed.

"Oh, no! Wait I didn't do that!" Pump cried out.

"Oh, my fur and whiskers!" Skid gasped.

"Oh, dear, save the Queen!" the king cried out.

The cards gathered around the Queen with the king, shivering and trying to settle her down.

"Someone's head will roll for this!" the Queen fumed and they slammed all of them down on the ground. "YOURS!" she pointed to the visitor pumpkin, causing him to let out a scream in horror and shock. "OFF WITH HIS-"

"But, but, consider, my dear." the king tugged on her dress, making her quiet down. "Couldn't we have a trial first?"

"Trial!?" the Queen glanced at her husband.

"Well... Just a little trial... hmm?"

The Queen thought about it for a moment. She then smiled and patted his head. "Very well, then... Let the trial begin!"

The cards all sorted together and splashed in front of everyone as they entered the court room.

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