More ups than downs for Pump

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"Hmm let me see..." Pump looked to the mushroom. "One side will make me grow... But, which one do I choose?"

"Hmm... After all that's happened I... I wonder if I'll.."

"I don't care." Said pump.

Pump took two pieces of the mushroom, then ate the mushroom on his left.

"I'm tired of only being three inches high- -" pump said after he ate the mushrooms only to instantly grew in size. "YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Pump screamed as he went up a rapid paste.
There was a mother bird in a nest that looked like cherry (my fnf oc) who had trouble as he grew in a very large size that made him taller than the trees.

Cherry looked down as her nest was now on Pump's head and she screamed.

"A Serpent! Help! Serpent! Serpent!

"Wait! What I'm not a ser-" Pump tried to explain.

"Off with you, shoo, shoo, go away!" the mother bird demanded. "Serpent! Serpent!"

"But I'm not a serpent!" Pump told her.

"So, indeed?" the mother bird put her wings on her hips firmly. "Then just what are you?"

"Im just little boy dressed as a pumpkin!" Pump told her in unison.

"Little? Ha! Little?" the mother bird laughed out loud at this.

"Well I am! Well, i was little." Pump said.

"And I suppose you eat eggs either?" the mother bird demanded.

"Yes i do... but I only like scramble-" Pump started to explain.

"I knew it! I knew it!" the mother bird wailed again. "Serpent! Serpent!"

"Oh for goodness sakes!" yelled Pump in annoyance.

"Hmm... if the left side me big then maybe the other side will." Said Pump as he got an idea to escape cherry.

As the mother bird was collecting her numerous eggs from her nest on Pump's head, grumbling about him But before she knew it, he but the mushroom and shrunk down instantly.

"NOT AGAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!" He exclaimed.

The mother bird nearly dropped all of her eggs, but she carried and gathered them all, glaring down at pump for making that happen after her nest was back in a branch.

"Oh my word... I wonder if I'll ever get use to this.." Pump wondered. Then he started to think about the mushrooms and she measured his height, and he licked the side and he grew into normal size.

"There, that's much better." Pump remarked. Then he saw the mushroom pieces.

"Hmmm. Better save these." Said Pump.

Pump then walked off to another part of Wonderland to get home. He was both tired of this day and ignored any possible sightings of Skid. He just wanted to go home and be safe.

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