Chapter 6

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"Where's the fucking car?" Rocco asks.

I grab my wrist and pull it down "Stop lifting your arm, Rocco!"

He gives a sarcastic smile and Lucas looks at me.

"My cars over here" he grabs my opposite hand and tugs me across the street.

Rocco doesn't have a choice but to move with us.

Lucas unlocks his car and I open the back seat, pulling Rocco in with me.

"What are we gonna do about this?" I ask lifting up my hand

Rocco blocks his eyes from the sun.

"I have a friend who's a cop, He lives down in Orlando so it might take him a day to get here." Lucas says.

"But Orlando is only an hour away!" I frown

"But he's busy." Lucas pushes his hair out of his face and makes a sharp left.

I stay quite until we get to my house.

I get out of the the car and kiss Lucas.

Then I walk to the house "I'm hungry" Rocco says watching me unlock the door

"We will eat when we get inside" I open the door and walk inside.

"Mom?" I yell. Rocco closes the door behind me and frowns.

"Kylie!" My mother wraps me up in a hug and then her face goes dark

"Why the didn't you come home last night?!" She asks backing away from me. She completely ignored the fact that Rocco was handcuffed to me.

I stayed quite. "I'm sorry mom" I pull on Rocco lightly and he begins to follow me to the stairs.

He twists our pinkies together as if trying to hold my hand.

I look back at him and pull him into my room.

"What?" I ask raising my eyebrows

He just looks down "tired is all" he smirks and looks up at me "and I have to take a shower"

I laugh and sit on the bed next to him. "I don't think so, You can wait"

Rocco sighs and lays on the bed. I lay down with him.

"So, Kylie, You never told me your story" He says closing his eyes.

"And you never told me yours" I reply smiling.

He looks at me and sighs. "Ill go first I guess"

Then he begins.

"When I was four my mother died in a car accident. The year before she told me I was going to have the best birthday party ever when I turned five. My birthday was six months away. my mother and I were always together. In pictures we always looked happy." he pauses.

"Turns out my mother was an alcoholic. She was driving while she was drunk when she got in the crash. My father went into depression, so as you can guess, I didn't have a good birthday party. I didn't have a party at all really. I didn't mind. I knew that my father was in pain. I was in pain also.." He says the last part slowly. I look at him and he gets a little teary eyed.

"I might have been young but I knew damn well what was happening around me, and I missed my mother. I knew I would never see her again. When I was fifteen I had a girlfriend, Ashley, I knew her since the third grade. I thought I was in love with her. She was always there for me." he took in a shaky breath and laughed. I was confused for a second and looked at him.

"I sound like a softy" he smiled and pushed some hair out of my face.

I put my hand on his. "You don't" i replied.

He ignored me and went on.

"She was there when my grandmother died. I practically grew up with my grandmother because ever since my mother died my father would go out drinking. He would come home drunk and when he was sober he was watching TV or looking at old pictures of my mother and him. After school I would head straight to my grandparents house and stay there untill morning. I had my own room there. when I was ready to go to school in the morning I would go to the house then get changed and go to school. my grandmother died of a heart attack. it happened While she was sleeping. my father got even more upset and started coming home at 4:00am. I felt horrible." he turns him body towards me.

"My father is still very upset but he isn't as bad as he was before." he said

I push his hair back

"I'm so sorry" I frown.

"That's most of it" he smiles

I was so into the story that I didn't realize how close we were.

My legs were intertwined with his. it was very uncomfortable with our hands cuffed together but we could deal with it.

He touched my face lightly.

I put my head on his chest and we laid there talking until we both fell asleep.
THIS IS SO SHORT OH MY GOD 😂😂 sorry guys!!!!!!??¿ I'll work on another chapter tonight when I get home. with my computer this time...night guys

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