Chapter 1

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It's been a month since I've been to my new school, McGreen high. I have no friends and better yet, no bullies. I've only met one girl, Amanda, who I can talk to when I need to. I believe we can become great friends in the near future. I get on the bus and sit next to Amanda who's in the second to last row. she's sitting by the window seat, so I have to sit in the middle. I put my book bag on the seat to my left which is empty. when I turn to Amanda she has a big smile on her face. She's the complete opposite of me, her blonde hair falls on her shoulders nicely and her blue eyes sparkle. "Guess what?" she says "what?" I smile back and push my hair behind my ear. "Marc asked me to dinner tonight" She claps her hands and blushes. "that's great!" I laugh and pull my sleeves down. Suddenly we get interrupted "Can I sit here?" A male voice asks. At first I wasn't sure if he was talking to me, but when nobody answered I turned around to see a tall, built, handsome, hazel eyed boy. "s-sure" I stutter making Amanda laugh behind me. I pick up my book bag and set it on the floor. "thanks" He says sitting down "Some Freshmen took my seat" he smirks. I smile and bow my head. I turn to Amanda for advice, but she just smiles and gives me a look that gives me the immediate impression that I'm on my own. For the next three stops it was quite. "Hey, Kylie" A red head girl looks at me and smiles. Ive never seen her before. The boy looks at me then to her. I furrow my eyebrows and the girl frowns walking to the back of the bus. the boy turn to me "Um, by the way, my Names Rocco" he smiles. I shake my head and reply "I'm Kylie" . "Yeah I figured that out" he laughs but stops himself and runs his fingers through his hair. Amanda kicks my leg slightly which makes my leg hit Rocco's. I blush "I'm so sorry" I pull my leg away and give Amanda a Face. Amanda shrugs and mouths 'I didn't mean to'. Finally we get to school and Rocco stands up and throws his book bag over his shoulder. "thanks again, I'll see you around". He walks away before I can say anything. When I get off the bus Amanda follows me to the locker rooms "Wanna skip Math?" I ask , Amanda smiles "Yes, I'm tired of math" I grab some money from my locker. "let's go" I smile as we leave the locker rooms.
Amanda is the first one to finish her breakfast. "So, what do you think about that...Rocco guy?" She asks raising her eyebrows. "He's cute" I reply smiling. I stand up and leave some money on the table along with the tip. Amanda gets up and jogs to catch up. "He's got a cute friend..I believe his name is Mike" Amanda smirks "But your going to dinner with Marc Tonight?" I questioned. "yes, but that doesn't mean we're dating" Amanda says as we walk outside "and even if we were dating it doesn't mean I can't have a crush" she adds. I frown "you are right...but just be careful". Amanda smiles and pulls out her phone. "we have 15 Minutes till I have Music" Amanda frowns "Then I won't see you till lunch". I smile "that's only 2 periods away" I say. As we were heading back to school nothing was said. "well, this is where we separate" I say turning to her. she gives me a quick hug and smiles "see you at lunch".
She walks one way and I walk the other. Walking into the school, I see Rocco and...Mike? Standing by the art room waiting for the class before to leave. "Hey, Kylie" Rocco smiles as he sees me. I smile back "Hey". "This is my bro, Mike" Rocco says lightly pushing the tall dirty blond hair boy. they are both taller then me. "Hi" I push my hair back and smile. "Hello, beautiful" Mike smiles. his teeth are perfect and his Hazel eyes are so...perky?. I laugh and look down at my shoes.
"Class! Come in!" The teacher screams from inside the classroom. Mike and Rocco both walk to the back left table which can hold four people. I wasn't sure if I should sit next to them so I stopped until somebody invited me. "Kylie, come on" Rocco laughs and sits down next to Mike. I start to walk to the back but the teacher calls me. "Kylie, Come here for a second" She says. I nod and walk back up to the front of the classroom "Yes?" I ask leaning on the wall. More and more people come through the door filling the seats. "Here, your mother dropped this off" She hands me a note. I look at it but decide not to open it. I stick it in the side pocket of my bag and smile. "thank you". I walk to the back of the classroom and Sit next to Rocco. He smiles at me and then pulls out some art books. "Class, today you are going to be drawing your favorite Singer" she smiles "I thought we would do something fun today" she draws a face on the board. "Good luck, turn these in by Monday" she sits at her desk and draws. I turn to Rocco who already started drawing the shape of a head. And Mike is staring at me. I look at him and shrug. I pick up my pencil and try to draw a face. "it looks like...a pea" I whisper to myself and laugh. Rocco hears me and laughs along with me.
Two minutes till the last bell rings. Rocco, Mike, Amanda, And I are all standing by the lockers talking about art, music, parties, ect. "Do you guys want to hang out tomorrow? I mean it is Saturday" Amanda smiles and leans on Mike, who she barely knows. I raise my eyebrows "sure" Rocco nods and so does Mike "Rocco have me his number earlier so I'll text him the stuff" I say. Amanda smiles.
*Ding Ding*
The bell rings.
Mike and Rocco wave goodbye and walk towards a car. Amanda and I walk towards the bus. "I can't believe school ends in a month" Amanda flips her hair behind her ear. "yeah" I say walking a bit faster. when we get on the bus Amanda and I go to our usual seats. Its quite and Amanda isn't looking at me so I just slide my hand up my sleeve and just feel my scars. Im dying to cut. But I know if I do my mom would be disappointed. thank god I didn't go to private school! I would've been caught Long ago. I sigh and play with my finger. And Rocco's cute. but I really like this one boy, Jacob. he's in my Social studies class. I smile just thinking about him. "Kylie" Amanda says "this is your stop" I frowns and I nod grabbing my bag "bye" I walk down the bus stairs and walk home from there eager to open the letter. I take it out of my book bag and open it. My mothers hand writing is written fast and sloppy.
'Hey, sweet cheeks
We're going to be move a couple blocks away from where we live now. I know it's stupid that I'm writing in this letter when I can just tell you, but I don't want you to start screaming. okay? Don't be mad. I'll see you when you get home'
My mother though I was going to be mad? Well I'm not! I'm happy! Because that's the house that gave me bad thoughts. It's the one where the cops arrested my Father. it's the one where I started cutting. It's the one my mom cried for hours in when she found out my father cheated. And, it's where my mother had a miscarriage.
All of this made me upset.
"Mom?" I say walking inside "hey sweetie" mom holds out her hand. I give her my arm and she pulls up my sleeve. "just making sure"

People don't only cut their wrists

"I'm going to my room" I say dropping my bag on the ground. I jog up the stairs and pull my phone out of my pocket. I set it on the night stand and lay down on my light blue sheets. quickly, I fall asleep.

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