Chapter 3

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"Look at my tattoo!!" Amanda screams showing me her finger. A black cross. I smile "That's nice" I nod "You have to get one" Amanda claps and pushes her hair out of her face. "My mom would kill me" I whisper sitting on my bedroom floor. I grab my books and smile. I'm wearing a big hoodie and leggings. "Are you cold or something?" Amanda asks setting her book bag next to her. "a bit" I lie. I'm actually really warm. I frown and start doing my homework. "Kylie, come down here for a second" Mom screams from downstairs. I get up and role my eyes. I walk down the stair into the Kitchen "Yes?" I ask sitting down on the seat. Amanda walks down the stairs and sits next to me. My mother says something. To me that I will not repeat. "No!" I scream "I will not!". My mother makes a noise. I start being disrespectful because I was kind of done with her shit. i love her but she always screams at me when people are over. "Your so bold, if only you knew what had happened to me if I spoke to my father like that?!" She says. I role my eyes "I don't care what your dad would've done! Welcome to the NEW generation!" I say In a sarcastic tone. Amanda frowns and ducks her head between her legs. my mother makes another noise. "Can you stop! You never do that unless people are here" I scream standing up "I'm do not, I do-" she gets interrupted from a knock at the door. "I'll get it" I say rolling my eyes and walking away. i open the door. "Hey, Princess" Rocco smiles Mike is right behind him. I must have the Im-pissed-off-and-don't-want-to-talk face because Rocco frowned. "What's wrong?". I feel like crying. I want to shrink up. honestly I don't cry unless people think there's a reason to. That's why I wait until somebody dies..or when I'm alone...or when somebody comes home from far away. they think I miss somebody. I do. but I won't cry about it, I will but along with a lot of other things. "Nothing" I cross my arms and step to the side slowing them inside. Amanda is texting somebody in the corner. I think it's this girl Bree or something...Bree is this girl that was at old school. Amanda is always talking to her now ever since I introduced them. I'm honestly kind of jealous. Bree is always getting attention and is always talking to Amanda. She claims that they have a lot alike because both of their boyfriends are in ROTC. I frown thinking about it. Amanda is the only one I can talk to. she knows all of my secrets. But it's hard to know that she can't trust me with hers. Im scared that I'm going to lose her to Bree.
I walk upstairs not even bothering to tell Amanda. Mike and Rocco follow me to my room. I sit on the bed and Rocco shuts the door. its quite for a while. Rocco smiles as he sends a message to somebody. "who are you talking to?" Mike asks "Amber" Rocco Answers. I look at him "Have any boyfriends, Kylie?" Mike asks. I frown hearing my name. I hate my name. Im a Hispanic teenage girl with the name "Kylie". "Yes" I lie pulling out my phone and opening a boys number that I got at the party. His name is Lucas and He's cute so I'll just...ask him out. I just needed to fit in with this group. they are the only friends I have. "Whats his name?" Rocco looks up and smirks. I pause "Lucas".
I quickly ask Lucas to dinner through text. "We should go on a double date"Rocco looks back down at his phone. "Ya we should......" I push my hair behind my ear as the door opens and Amanda throws her phone on the bed. "Can you guys go for a second, I need to talk to Kylie alone." Amanda puts her hands on her hips as Rocco shakes his head and Mike walks out. She shuts the door behind them. She walks over to me and grabs me by the arm. I freak. I pull my arm back thinking that she was going to roll up my sleeve. I don't wear short sleeves unless I'm going somewhere when nobody that I know is there. Like when I go running. But right not I'm wearing a hoodie. Amanda looks at me in the eye "Lucas texted me telling me that you asked him out!" Amanda frowns sitting in the bed. I role my eyes "So?" I ask sitting next to her. "He's a jerk ass, Kylie! I will not allow him to hurt you" She says. I look at her. "I'll be fine." I end the conversation by telling the boys to come in. "So, Double date tomorrow?" Rocco asks. I smile and nod.
The next day, It's lunch and Rocco decided to go on the date around this time.
"Hey, Kylie" Lucas smiles his light blue eyes land on mine. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I've never been this close to a guy before without their girl trying to kill me. Its like they use me as bait. So I kind of liked it this time. "Hey" I reply looking up at him. "Amanda told me you wanted me to act like we've been dating for a while" he laughs walking over to a booth and sitting next to me. "Yes" I frown "Rocco and Amber are coming that's why" I stare at the empty seats in front of us. "Hey, Guys" Rocco walks in holding Ambers hand. speak of the devil. Rocco quickly gives Lucas a dirty look and Lucas returns the glance. I stare in confusion. Amber looks at me. "That's how you come dressed for a date?" Amber asks looking at me. I'm wearing a black dress with long sleeves but it's short and a little tight. "Your disgusting." She sits next to Rocco and makes a face. "well I wouldn't know, I don't go on dates every night" I mutter under my breath. "Excuse me?" Amber raises her voice at me which makes me blow. "Im sorry did you not hear?" I ask "Or do you just want to start a scene?" I get up and step out of the booth. "Cuz I can make a scene of you want to" I scream in the middle of the restaurant. Everybody looks at me and Rocco's eyes widen "Kylie sit down" He says. "No, put your bitch on a leash. before she gets hurt." I say and Amber stands up. "Bitch?" she asks. I smirk. Amber raises her fist and swings. she hits me right in the jaw. "That's right fatass" Memories run through me as i see myself being hit and Called fat. I know I'm fat. but it hurts when somebody says it. So much. It brought back so many memories. but I pushed it back and I raise my fist but Lucas grabs my arm and pulls me back. Rocco has Amber. i pull away from Lucas and grab my keys off the Table walking out of the restaurant. I'm going home.
I sit in my room alone listening to music for the next hour or two. I'm bored out of my mind. I get up and go to the bathroom and start digging through some stuff. Until I find the box. I close the bathroom door and open the box revealing needles and thread. I dig to the bottom and grab the blade that's covered in dry blood. I frown and sadness washes over me. I twist it around in my hand. I kept this one for emergencies but I gave the rest to my mother. I looked at my ankle then my hip. I roll up my jeans and run the blade across my soft skin. One. Two. Three. the blade won't stop. it feels good. But I feel guilty doing it. I pull the blade away and look at the blood running down my foot. I take a paper towel and turn on the bathtub. I pat down on the scars and rinse off the blood. I sit there for a while. until I get up and sit in the corner of my bathtub and stare at the blade on the floor. my white tile has blood on it. but I just sit there.
About 15 mins later the bathroom door opens. My heart drops and I stand up.
He looks mad at first. but then all of it flows away and his eyes widen as he sees the blood on the floor. he looks at me and tears run down my face. Rocco picks up the blade and walks towards the toilet. "No!" I scream "Please No No!" I Scream grabbing his arm. He throws it in the toilet and flushes it. I start slapping his arm "Why did you do that you idiot!!" I scream falling to the ground. He looks at me and sits down with me. he hugs me. We sit there on the floor for a bit. Him hugging me makes me feel loved. unlike my mother who just screamed and cried wondering what she did wrong instead of just asking me. No. Rocco just stayed quite and hugged me. No questions. No talking. Just a long nice hug. I felt safe. I dug my head into his chest and cried. he rubbed the area where I just cut. he rubbed it and said "I promise I will never let anybody hurt you in any way" he whispers.
I close my eyes for a second and Rocco picks me up and puts me on the bed. Then he cleans up the mess that I've made on the floor. I watch him while he does this but then I lay my head on the pillow. when Rocco's done he gets up and starts to walk towards the door. "Rocco" I say turning to him. "Yes?" He asks "Can you lay down with me" I pat the side next to me and Rocco stares. He nods and lays down next to me putting his arm around me. I put my head on his chest and he pulls me closer. "Thank you" I whisper. Rocco doesn't answer to this he just nods. The sound of him breathing so drags me into a deep sleep.
hey!! What do you guys think about Rocco walking in on her? I think I did that part to early. BUT TELL ME EHAT YOU THINK???

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