Chapter 4

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When I wake, Rocco's Legs are wrapped around mine and his body is deathly close to mine. I smile. His hair is messy. I feel a little spark inside me but ignore it. I push him away from me and walk to the bathroom looking at my ankle and my wrists. I choose to ignore the scars and I wash my face. I check my phone.

Amanda - Kylie

2 hrs ago* Amanda- Kylie?? Your mom said you were home come on. Im not stupid

I place the phone down and I stare at myself in the mirror.

What got me here? Why did I do this? I got myself into this mess. I think to myself. I look down into the sink and I see visions of me holding my arm over the sink while blood drips off my arm. I push the thoughts away. "Are you okay?" Rocco asks behind me. I nod wiping some tears away. He gets up and walks behind me. I turn to face him not relizing how close he was. He looks down at me and he leans down. I stare in confusion. He places his hands on my hips and sits me on the counter.

Isnt this kind of a bad time? I ask myself. He Places his lips on mine and we move in scync. I lightly push him away. "I...I um" I get off the counter and he backs up. hurt flashes behind his eyes but he covers it up. "I have a boyfriend" I try to push my way out of this. But I guess it wasnt a lie. It was kind of true. He nods "right." He turns and puts his shoes on. "Im gonna go..Call me if you need me" He says faking a smile. And then he leaves. I, Honestly, didnt want him to leave. I look out side as he drives away.

"I have Your clothes for tomorrow" Lysnadra hands me clothes and I place them on the bed.

"I need to talk to you" I say patting the empty space on the bed.

Lysandra sits down "I think its time for the tal-" Lysandra puts her hand over my mouth and laughs "Um no"

I giggle "I mean the dating talk" I say putting her hand on the bed. she nods "Go on" she says.

she pushes her hair behind her ear and pulls her knees up to her chest.

Everybody says that we look alike. I kind of agree. She has blue eyes and dark brown hair like mine. We get the hieght and eyes from my dad. The hair and body shape is from my mother. When I was her age I was friends with 16 year olds. The reason was because I didnt have anybody to teach me how to put on make up or how to deal with my period. My mother didnt teach me that shit at the time because she was depressed. Around that time she found out that my father was cheating on her. so she was drinking alot and my sister was only 8. Almost every night she slept with me because she was scared that my mother would go into her room and ask her for drugs again. A couple of years later when I was 14 and my sister was 10 she came into my room because Daddy just hit mommy. My father was drunk that night and my mother loved him so much that she didnt leave him when she found out he was cheating on her. For the next week my mother walked around with a bruise on her face. When I saw it I asked what happened, even tho I knew. She said that she fell. she tried to protect my Father until Lysandra called the cops one night. It was getting heated that night. but thats not a story to tell now.

"all Im going to tell you right now is to Never fall in love with-" Lysandra intrupts me

"A man like dad" She frowns. She knew that I was going to say something close to that. I nod.

"I have to do clothes" She says trying to escape the where the conversation was going. "Lysandra we need to talk" I say pulling her arm.

She turns to me and tears run down her face. I pull her into a hug "I know, I know" tears fill my eyes. "Im so sorry that you had to go through all of this" I cry letting it all out. "I know that its been so hard and you have to understand that Cutting is not the way out of it. Dont try it. and If you ever feel like cutting, come talk to me. OKay?" I ask pulling her chin up so she looks at me. she nods and forces her head into my chest.

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