Chapter 2

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When I woke, it was the next morning. I checked me phone and I got a text from Rocco.
ROCCO - Hey, Gurl. What's up?
ME - sorry I didn't answer lol, I just woke up, you????
I set my phone down and got up from bed. i stare at the wall in confusion when I notice my wall clock was on the floor. I walk towards it and put the clock on the screw it was hanging on.
When I place where I want I turn towards my closet and grab a pair of shorts and sporty t-shirt. my dad has always hated these shorts he said they were to short. I got them a month before my dad got arrested. My mom actually brought them for me and my dad completely disagreed.
I grab a pair of sneakers and pull my hair back into a pony tail. I grab my headphones off the nightstand and my phone off the bed.
After I brush my teeth I put on both of my headphones and leave with my keys.
I start running my routine, which I do every morning. I never really need to tell my mom because I've been doing this for the past year. My Father would never allow me to go running by myself, but my mother argued and always said "give her some space, Harold". I never really got into their "arguments" because then I would just...lose, like always, and be "punished".
I remember one day when I was just beginning high school I decided to get into one of their arguments about me. My father had just gotten back from work and my mom was sitting in the kitchen. when he went to go say hi I went in and asked a simple question.
"Hey dad, can I go to my friends party?" I asked with my puppy eyes. my father looked at me and smiled "will there be boys?" he leaned on the counter, knowing what my answer would be. I immediately frowned, which made his smile widen "then, No" he stops smiling and starts taking off his tie. "Harold, let her go, you need to give her more space" my mother said pulling his tie off and placing it on the counter. "Ya, dad please? You never trust me! And I'm not your little girl anymore! I'm a teenager" I clapped my hands and smiled. My fathers eyes told me he was upset. It got me scared. my mother looked at me "You will always be his little girl, Kylie" Mom said "Go to your room, you won't be going to the party". tears filled my eyes "this is so unfair!!" I scream banging my hands on the counter. "life's unfair, sweetie, the faster you learn that, the easier it will be."
And I still haven't learned what she has told me. I sort of have. but not completely. I still feel bad about saying that to my father. I love him so much. but I don't know if I can ever forgive him about what he did to my mother. and what he's out me through.
I look down at my scars which are almost faded and barely noticeable. it still freaks me out. I look up and Rocco is sitting on my lawn with Mike. they both look up and smile. Mikes eyes go right to my breasts, which are very sweaty right now, and Rocco looks at my ass. At Least we know who's the butt guy and who's the boobs guy.
"Guys" I say ,they don't hear "Guys! Eyes up here" they follow my fingers to my face. "are you a C?!" Mike asks. my eyes widen because he was right. I shake my head "that's none of your business!" I say. Rocco laughs "Told you bro!" Mike gives him a high five. That's when I thought wow...Mike and Amanda would be perfect together.
"Why are you guys here?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "I texted you and said I was coming over because I wanted to" Rocco says. I check my phone and see no notifications. "no you didn't" I say lifting my shirt and putting my phone between the shorts and my hip. Rocco looks at my legs for a second but looks away and takes out his phone "oh....I thought I pressed send" he frowns "well we're here now so, now you have to deal" he laughs and Mike smirks. "I have to take a shower you can wait in my room" I say waving my hand inside. I lead them upstairs and Sit them down in my room. my bathroom is in my room so I have to take clothes with me and change in the bathroom. i go to my closet and pick out a blue shirt with holes in the back, a pair of high wasted shorts, and A black bra. I'm already wearing black undies so I ignore the underwear. "Damn, girl" Mike takes off his shoes and lays on the bed. I smile and walk Into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I set my Clothes on the counter and strip. I put my phone on the counter and step into the shower.
I was almost done with my shower when Somebody decides to come into the bathroom. i peek out from the curtain and Rocco is unzipping his pants by the toilet. I scream. "Shut up, I need to pee" Rocco furrows his eye brows and I back into the wall closing the curtain. I hear the faint sound of his pee which makes me laugh. "Get out, you man whore". I hear him zip up his zipper. " man whore?, listen, princess, if you call me that again I will take you out of that shower and bring you to the park naked." he sounds serious but I laugh anyways, which makes him laugh. "get out!!" I scream "Okay Okay" Rocco puts his hands up and walks out of the bathroom.
I walk out of the bathroom fully dressed and with my hair rapped up into a towel. I grab the brush off my nightstand and sit next to Mike who is on his phone "He's texting Amanda, he wants her to come over" Rocco obviously seeing the curiosity on my face. I nod and start brushing my hair.
Amanda walks into my house "HEY BITCHES!!!". Mike laughs. "were up here!" I scream down stairs. my mom left early this morning to work and my little sister is in her room, probably with her little friends. we usually invite friends over when my mother isn't home. I always check in her to make sure there are no boys. I start to walk over to the door and Mike trips me which makes me fall on top of Rocco's legs. "Oh my" Amanda laughs as she sees what I got myself into. I turn to Mike and give him a sarcastic smile. I sit up so I'm sitting next to Rocco. "So what have you guys been up to?" Amanda asks sitting next to Mike. "I was takin a shower when Rocco interrupted me to take a piss" I giggle and Rocco kicks my Leg lightly. "Kylie, Mom will be home in an hour" Lysandra pushes my door open to see My friends and she just shakes her head. "You have an hour" she leaves. Lysandra had to grow up quickly after my Father got arrested. She's very respectful and does the dishes,laundry, ect without being asked. one time I got home and there was a pile of clothing on my bed, folded and ready to be put away. She gets home earlier then me and my mom usually works till 4. Today she's getting home two hours early. "was that your sister?" Rocco asks running his fingers through his hair. I nod "yes". Lysandra isn't annoying in anyway. She can Over-clean but that's good I guess??. I was never like that. But she did have a harder tim growing up then me. when I was growing up my parents still 'loved' eachother. when I was around 14 I saw my father with another woman. I didn't want to tell my mother because it would hurt her. I couldn't deal with my mom crying. Little did I know that it would hurt her if she waited. I became depressed around 15. my father could only go a year with hiding this stuff.
"This kid ,Jackson, is having a party tonight, you guys wanna go?" Rocco asks Amanda and I. I smile and nod Amanda does too.
About 20 minutes later Mike and Rocco leave. Amanda does too. And I go down stairs to eat lunch. At 3:30.
Amanda swings my closet open wearing Black high heals and a short black dress. Her hair is lose and her makeup is clean.
Me on the other hand,
I don't even have my nails done.
"I can't believe you!!" Amanda shrieks "The party starts in an hour!" She throws a bunch of clothes out of my closet. "Watch it!" I scream pushing a hanger. "here" she hands me a short skirt and a crop top. "this is so slutty!" I scream stopping my feet "Shut up and get dressed".
When I'm dressed and my hair/ makeup is done Amanda claps and pulls me out the house. "You guys were taking forever" Mike says in the front seat of the car. I get in the back and Amanda gets next to me.
I go straight to the kitchen grabbing some beer.
1 cup ~~ gone
2 cups ~~ gone
After about an hour I drink 4 cups of beer. I'm
Not "drunk drunk" but i see colors and I can't walk straight. I almost fall but I lean on the first dark haired boy I see. "Sorry, just give me a sec" the boy looks down at me and laughs "Stop looking at me like that" I laugh harder and drink more of my beer. He wraps his arms around me and we start dancing. I honestly don't remember anything after that. all I remember is going upstairs. then....everything goes black.
" Kylie, get up"
I open my eyes slightly and a major pain hits the side of my head. I immediately gasp and put my hand to my head. "What happened?" I lean up and notice Rocco is shirtless and were in the same bed. I freak out and push him away. I'm only in my bra and jeans. "we didn't do anything!!" Rocco says "chill" he laughs. "Were at my house..i thought it was time to go when you were dragging me upstairs the dirty" my eyes widen "that was you??!!!" I pull a blanket to cover myself. "yes" he laughs. my pain Gets worse by the second and Rocco hands me an Advil and a glass of water. "did we sleep in he same bed?" I ask swallowing the pill. "No, I slept on the floor" he furrows his eyebrows. "By the way" he says getting up "Your a good dancer, I almost went upstairs" He laughs and I blush"
Thank god he didn't.

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