Chapter 7

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When I woke up Rocco's arm was around me and I was only in my tank top. I smiled at the feeling of our bodies so close.


I push Rocco off of me and get up forgetting our wrists were cuffed. so I fall on top of him and he groans.

"Ow, Kylie" He rubs his wrist.


My phone went off and I reached for it.

"Hello?" I pick it up and get off of Rocco sitting by his side.

"Hey, babe" Lucas says "I got some keys for the cuffs"

I look at my wrist and then look back at the wall. "Okay, come down to my place" I reply and Lucas says he loves me and hangs up.

I look at Rocco, who is refusing to get up.

"Rocco, Please!" I tug on his shirt and he pushes my hand off

"What time is it?" He asks rubbing his eyes

I look at the time and to my surprise, its only Six o'clock at night.

"Six" I reply

"In the moring?" He asks sitting up, I laugh "No, we slept the whole day..." I stand up and he stands up with me.

"You never fed me" He says winking at me.

It takes me a second to get his "Dirty" Joke.

"Very mature" I pull him across the room turning on the light.

"What do you want to eat, love?" He asks me pushing his hair back.

"Well when Lucas gets here with the keys we can all go eat some dinner" I smile at the thought of Lucas.

I turn back to Rocco and we both end up chest to chest. I look up at him and he looks down into my eyes.

I study his jawline.

his eyes.

his hair.

Hes the one who breaks our short connection.

"Kylie!, Lucas is here" My mother screams

I look at the door and pull ROcco down stairs with me.

"Hey" I say when I see Lucas. He smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek.

I hold my wirst out along with Rocco. Lucas pulls a pair of keys out of his pocket and Unlocks the cuffs.

The cuffs fall to the floor and I rub my wrist. My wrist was red and Roccos was aswell.

I look at Rocco for a quick second and he frowns.

what? I mouth

He shakes his head

I look at Lucas when he gets a text. He quickly types back "Um," He pauses looking at me. "I have to mother needs me" He kisses me and opens my door "Come over tomorrow okay?" He says as he shuts the door.

Rocco looks at me and nods " I need to go too.." He trails off and he puts on his sweater.

"Okay." I hug him and let him out.

I think its time for me to actually go to sleep

I go back upstairs and lay down falling asleep to my music in the background.


Whe I wake I have an urge to see Lucas.

I get up and get ready putting my make up on and a pair of sneakers.

I put my hair up in a side pony tail and text Lucas that Im going over.

I grab my keys off the night stand and jog down stairs.

"Morning Lysandra" I say

Shes making pancankes and eggs. Its smells amazing.

"Morning" she smiles

"I'll be back some for me" I yell shutting the door.

I jump in the car and check my phone

No reply

I sigh and start to drive towards his house.


when I get there, His cars there.

Why hasnt he replyed to my texts?

I knock on his door and his mom answers.

"Hi" I say forgetting he name

"Hey, sweetie." She frowns and looks at the ground

Whats wrong?

"Is Lucas home" I ask

She nods looking guilty and steps aside so I could walk in.

I step in

"Hes in his room" She says pointing down the hall

I nod and start to make my way to his room.

I hear him talking to somebody and I open the door.

the sight in front of me makes my jaw drop and tears sting the back of my eyes.

Lucas quickly gets up and covers himself

"Kylie" He gasps

Amber covers her body with the blankets.

I look at them both and quickly turn and run out of the room

He had sex with Amber I scream in my head

I slam the front door shut running to my car.

Tears run down my face.


I start the car and speed down the street.

Amandas house isnt far from Lucas house so it took me about five minutes to get there.

I knock on the door and Amanda answers.

"Oh my god" her jaw drops "Come in" she pulls me into her room.

"Whats wrong" She says over my loud sobs.

I Tell her what I walked into and she lifted my chin.

"Listen to me." She looks pissed and she makes serious face "Hes not worth crying over and I know that it doesnt really help, but you dont need him to survive he is NOTHING compared to you. You will find somebody better than him. I promise" She pulls me in for a long hug and then stands up.

"Where are you going?" I ask Sitting on her bed wiping some tears away.

She stops at the door and pulls out her phone

"Im gonna go kill this Bitch"


Man My birthday is next month and my school HAS to put something the day of my birthday (which is a saturday) and Now I cant have anybody over lol.

so instead im going to a park or some shit

Anyways, Hope you liked the chapter....its one of my favorites next to the Party :)

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