Chapter 5

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I don't cry. I don't complain. I'm just scared. I freeze. I'm not scared,I'm terrified.
I hand my mother an ice pack from the fridge.

"We should've moved after dad left" I say shaking my head.

I'm actually mad because it's my mothers fault that he knew where we lived. I knew that this day would come where he got out and he tried to find us. You see, if we moved after he left, It would take him longer to find us. so when he was close we would move because we already knew where he was. I knew that one day he would find us. I knew that he would try to hurt my sister. I knew he would try to hurt my mother and I. He used to be so....Nice and I used to love him so much. That was before he started drinking.

I walk upstairs and sit on the bed trying to think. I tried thinking about what to do about my sister.

"Is everything alright?" Rocco asks sitting next to me.

I nod trying to hide the fear behind my eyes.

"You sure?" Amanda asks

I just nod "You guys have to leave....Im sorry but I have a lot of things to do for tomorrow" I pick up my bookbag and set it on the bed.

Rocco looks at me "I'll stay, You guys can leave" He says to Mike and Amanda

I frown "Rocco, No Leave" I point towards the door and Rocco shakes his head "Im not leaving you" He says taking off his shoes.

Amanda and Mike say their goodbyes and leave me with Rocco alone in the room. "tell me whats wrong" He pulls my arm making me sit next to him.

I put my head on his shoulder and put my hand over his. "Its a long me" a tear falls from my eye and Rocco puts his arm over my shoulder.

"Um...Kylie" Rocco says pulling away for a second "I want you to know that Im Here for you." He smiles.

I get up and nod, walking over to my bed pulling out my phone.

Does he have feelings for me? I ask myself.

Ive never had anybody like me before...that I know of. and it completly makes me curious. Before I could stop myself, the words flow out of my mouth.

"DO you have feelings for me?" I quickly blush but drop my phone in surprise of what I said.

Rocco looks at me for a second "No, Kylie...The other day when I kissed you....I just needed you because Amber and all..." He raises his eyebrow "Why?"

I smile on the inside at the thought of the little slut running out of the resturant. "Just asking" I look back down at my phone and open my texts.

I text Lysandra

Me: Come home, NOW 

I press send and look up at Rocco who is now looking at my Diary from when I was in 7th grade.

He laughs turning a page "Whos Ethan?" He asks

"Ethan is soooooooo cuteeeeeeee" He says in a girly voice.

"I do not sound like that" I laugh pulling my book out of his hands. "Ethan was my biggest crush in 6th grade I began to hate him"

"Oh my god!!!! Gurl you have sooo much to learn about boyyysss" He holds out letters

I push my book on my bed 

"Kylie!" Lysandra runs into my room tears running down her face

Rocco stands up quickly and stares at me then Lysandra 

I look at her and pull her towards the bed "Can you give us a second?" I ask Rocco

He nods and leaves the room closing the door behind him.

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