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Jung Kook liked to watch the rain. He liked the way the raindrops would fleck the window, blurring the world beyond, the way the earth smelled, and the steady drum that drowned out the noise of the bustling city.

"Jung Kook-ah."

He tore his eyes away from the window and turned to look at the counter. Bang Ahjussi had his glasses on and was frowning at the accounting book.

"Yes, Ahjussi."

"What did we sell yesterday?"

"It was a pre-1960 transistor radio. We sold it to that tall man with a bowler hat, the one from Seoul."

"Ah, I see..." Bang Ahjussi bent over the book and scribbled something. "I was fond of that one. Sad to see it go."

The bell tinkled as the door swung opened. Jung Kook's face lit up on seeing Tae Hyung's familiar face. Right behind him was a girl who he did not recognize.

"Oh gosh, what a damper!" Tae Hyung complained, shaking his wet hair and sprinkling droplets everywhere.

"What are you doing here?" Jung Kook asked.

"We were on our way to buy books, and then suddenly this rain... oh hello, sir." Tae Hyung bowed at Bang Ahjussi.

"Don't worry, it won't last long," Bang Ahjussi said in response. "It's just a short spell."

"Wah, you sound so wise," Tae Hyung exclaimed in a naive, moonstruck tone. "Your voice has this vibe to it."

The girl behind him giggled.

"Yah Jung Kook-ah, can we have some coffee?" Tae Hyung demanded. "I'm freezing."

"What do you think this is? A café?" Jung Kook retorted.

"Oh, but it's a good idea," Bang Ahjussi said heartily. "Kook-ah, look after the store for a while, I'll go sit with my wife for sometime over coffee."

Tae Hyung grinned triumphantly.

Defeated, Jung Kook followed Bang Ahjussi into the attached kitchen.

Jung Kook had had to learn how to make coffee ever since he started working at the antique shop. Customers were sparse, and caffeine kept him on his toes when customers didn't.

When he emerged from the kitchen with the coffee, Tae Hyung had gotten hold of the sketch book that Jung Kook kept behind the counter, and was flipping through it.

"Dude, you draw portraits now?!" Tae Hyung exclaimed. "These are some really cool stuffs."

"Most of them are just practice," Jung Kook said awkwardly.

The girl who had been examining a tea set from China was now peering into the sketch book over Tae Hyung's shoulder.

Jung Kook pulled out more chairs from the kitchen. Settling into one, Tae hyung continued looking though the sketches.

"You're really talented," said the girl, smiling. Her face seemed to light up when she did.

"," Jung Kook flushed, averting his eyes.

He focused on her dress instead, noticing the tiny daisy flowers on it.

He smirked. What were the chances that a girl in a daisy dress would walk into the store on a rainy day.

"Oh, by the way," Tae Hyung said, finally seeming to realize that someone else was with him, "this is Chae Yeon. She's my hoobae* from the department."

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