twenty one

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Jung Kook would sit in a corner of the makeshift classroom where Chae Young would teach beginner's English to over twenty children of varying ages. The children sat on the floors and traced their 'How are yous' and 'what is your names' on scraps of paper sewn together. Chae Young had no experience of working with children before but found the kids willing to listen and learn. Jung Kook said it would have been a different experience if Chae Young was teaching children from upper class families. He would usually take her home, and he was always careful to dwell on the present as they talked. Chae Young picked up on it and neither talked about the future nor the past.

Lisa would sometimes come and hold quirky dance classes. Jung Kook said that she was easily the children's favorite. Lisa, on the outward appearance, had an air of confidence and surety. But sometimes, when Chae Young talked to her, she could sense certain insecurities that came with being an 'outsider' in a country. Yugyeom was a serious worker who was always diligent with everything he did. Chae Young thought that he held the team together. Then, there was Kim Min Gyu who always seemed aloof and indifferent and who Chae Young talked to the least. But someone who illegally volunteered to teach 'abandoned' children surely was the opposite of indifferent. There was another kid called Jae Hyun that Chae Young hardly saw. Jung Kook had mentioned that he had strict parents. She felt humbled being amongst them. Sometimes, she felt guilty that she had agreed to do this just so she could spend time with Jung Kook. Ji Rin said it was ok because people learnt and grew.

As the weeks dragged on, Chae Young found herself getting attached to the children to the point that she dreaded leaving when the class hours were up. Once, a student saved a sweet potato from home to give it to Chae Young after class. Jung Kook said the child might have sacrificed it from her own meal.  She sometimes entertained the thought of doing this forever but knew that it was not feasible. At least she thought so.

"We have no salary to give you," Jung Kook said as they walked home one day after class, "so I thought of asking you to come for dinner at a friend's place. Lisa is also coming."

Chae Young liked that he had not asked to take her out to a restaurant. Besides, she couldn't imagine Jung Kook doing that.

She agreed. He came to pick her up on the evening of the day and they took the bus together to his friend's place.

"Who's cooking?" she asked.

Jung Kook chuckled. "We'll find out."

Jung Kook's friend opened the door for them. He was strikingly attractive and had a deep, husky voice.

"Oh, you didn't tell me you were bringing a girl," the friend complained.

"I did," Jung Kook argued.

"You said you were bringing a friend."

"So she's a friend," Jung Kook pointed out.

"I thought you were bringing Yugyeom or some other idiot."

Chae Young giggled.

"Ok, this loud friend of mine is Tae Hyung," Jung Kook said. "And this," he gestured towards her, "is Chae Young."

"Chae Young?" Tae Hyung repeated. His expression suddenly changed and there was a twinkle in his eyes.

"Chae Young, it's nice to meet you." Tae Hyung sounded sincere as though he was really glad to meet her.

It confused Chae Young. He looked as if he knew something and it made her wonder.

Lisa came in right behind them, hauling a bag full of beer cans. She dumped them on the floor and glared at Tae Hyung.

"How dare you ask a girl to carry all that?" she snapped.

Tae Hyung grinned. "I asked because it is you. I knew you could do it."

"Yaaaah," she cried, "I should just hit you with these," She lifted the bag and mocked-swung it towards him.

Tae Hyung laughed and took it from her. "Arasso, come here, I'm sorry."

Lisa was still glaring at him, so he linked his arm through hers and led her towards the kitchen.

As if Chae Young wasn't already envious of Jung Kook's circle of friends, she watched as Lisa tried to pull away from Tae Hyung's grip, but the other did not let go.


After dinner, they sat on the floor of Tae Hyung's bedroom cum drawing room loudly singing karaoke.

"Oh Chae Young-ah," said Jung Kook suddenly breaking away from Lisa and Tae Hyung who were aggressively dancing to Seo Taiji, "I have something for you."

He walked over to his bag and pulled out a stack of folded notes.

"Huh. What's it?"

"Your salary."

Confused, Chae Young took them while Jung Kook jumped back to join the duo in their dance battle.

Chae Young unfolded the first one. It turned out to be a letter from one of the students.

Dear Miss Chae Young,

Thank you for teaching me English. My mother is very happy. She says even if Father is not here with us, I'll be fine because the world is full of people like you. I also want to become a teacher just like you.

Love, Mi Hee

Chae Young suddenly felt chocked up. She moved onto the next. It turned out to be another letter. She wiped at the tears suddenly welling up in her eyes and stopped to compose herself. She glanced at Jung Kook who was now leading the dance/karaoke session with a Chakra song. He could have warned her to read them at home in the privacy of her room. Despite that, she heaved a deep breath and unfolded the next one.


Lisa wanted to go up to the rooftop so they complied. They took their beer bottles with them. Lisa was a little tipsy and Chae Young could also feel the alcohol starting to kick in.

The sky was clear and the breeze pleasant. Tae Hyung laid out a mat on the ground and they lied down on it side by side. Jung Kook's arm was pressed up against hers. It reminded her of the time she and Jung Kook would lie in the daisy field talking about the future. But this time, there was no future to talk about: just the present. Lisa was narrating a story about one of the students who caught a frog for her. Tae Hyung told them that he had been planning to buy cupcakes for the children the coming Saturday. Lisa offered to help him bake them.

Chae Young listened silently and thought she could understand why Jung Kook did not want to leave. It was in small moments like this that he found happiness. Jung Kook had found happiness in being a comfort to Chae Young when they were eighteen. While Chae Young drew that love inside and kept it to herself, Jung Kook had drawn it out and perhaps even made it bigger. She listened to their voices and thought about this little group of friends who gave so much in building little moments of happiness amidst the chaos. This was what happiness felt like; not in the big things but in small things.  

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