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Jung Kook folded the sketch book away and glanced at the clock, noting that he had a few more minutes before closing hour. The bell tinkled and he looked up to see Chae Yeon walk in.

"Oh... hello," he greeted, hiding his surprise.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"No... I was going to, after closing up."

"Do you like bulgogi?" She then flushed, swept a stray lock behind her ear and explained to the ground. "I made some for Tae Hyung oppa but he said he already ate. I was taking it back with me, but as I was passing through here, I thought you'd like them."

Jung Kook saw the heavy bag she was holding and couldn't think of nice a way to say no. "Yeah I love bulgogi."

She placed the bag on the counter and he heard her exhale from the effort. "I'll come get the containers some other time. You enjoy your meal."

"Oh... Chae Yeon-shi, why don't we have it together?"

'Oh no, I'll get going..."

"Please, I insist." Jung Kook said it more out of politeness, than sincerity. "Besides, it's lonely eating alone." That was a lie. He liked eating alone.

Closing up the shop, he led her into Bang Ahjusshi's attached kitchen, all the while trying to maintain small talks:
"How's class? Where do you stay? Do you cook often?"

The kitchen was sparsely furnished but it had a tiny, plastic round table by the window. Chae Yeon unpacked the containers on the table while Jung kook picked out spoons and chop sticks from the cracked coffee mug by the gas stove.

"Do you stay alone?" she asked.

"Yeah... I used to stay in a room at Ahjusshi's place, but I was able to move out some time back."

"So do you cook?"

"Sometimes. But I mostly eat Ramen."

"I guess you must miss home," she remarked.

Jung Kook took his time to chew and thought about it. "I miss feeling at home."

Chae Yeon looked at him as though wanting to ask something, but did not.

"What do you do when the shop is closed?" she asked after a considerable pause during which both focused on their bowl of rice and meat.

"I like walking around the city. And just looking at things."

She smiled and cocked her head. "What do you like about that?"

"I don't know. I guess I like looking at the places and imagining the things it has seen, the things it has been through."

"You mean like visiting the past?"

"Yes, sort of. It's sad that things changes so fast"

"But things must change," she pointed out timidly.

Jung Kook smiled at her words. "I know. I only wish things changed for the better."

Chae Yeon put a piece of meat in his bowl. "Eat up. Times are hard for an idealist."

"Dude, she likes you man." Tae Hyung declared when Jung Kook told him about Chae Yeon's unexpected visit.

"You can't know that," Jung Kook countered.

"Dude, I've known her longer than you," Tae Hyung argued, "she is not the type to make friends easily nor does she make bulgogi and go around feeding people randomly."

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