Brezza Marina (Pt. 2)

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TW: Nothing :)

It had been over a week since the party at the beach happened, since the best time I'd had in a long time, and since I had seen that breathtaking boy; Damiano.

These past few days I had been texting with Victoria all the time. She was such a fun and kind girl and I couldn't wait to see her again, well not only her but Damiano and the rest of the band, who I didn't know yet. I haven't had the chance to come over to their studio because my final exams have really been kicking my butt. But now I was free and decided to surprise them.

Vic had texted me their address one day and told me I could come over whenever I wanted. So that's what I decided to do today. I was now in front of my bathroom mirror, finishing my makeup, I wanted nothing too extra, something that looked natural but pretty.

"Oooohh, looking great bestie! Quick, which one?"-Bff/n peeps from outside the bathroom holding two tops, I picked the black one, knowing how good he looked in dark colors.

"So it's serious, huh?"-I asked him with a smirk, referring to his crush and now boyfriend, they had a great time at the party and their relationship only improved from there. I was so happy for him, they really made a super cute couple.

"I guess, I mean it's our second date and... Wait, where are YOU going?"-He questioned, I had told him about the people I met that night but hadn't mentioned I had kept contact with them.

"I'm just going out, and may or may not be giving a visit to a certain band."-I said, dragging my words as my friend was staring at me with a confused expression. Realization finally hit him.

"NO WAY YOU'RE SEEING THAT HOT GUY WHO SANG A SONG TO YOU WHILE YOU WERE WATCHING THE FUCKING SUNRISE LIKE IN A DISNEY FILM??!!"-He suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, after laughing at his over-the-top reaction I nodded, to with he gasped dramatically.

"You better get him, girl, 'cause sounds like a dream and I haven't even seen him in person, so that tells you A LOT."-He concludes as he disappears to his room to continue getting ready, I chuckle lightly as I finish applying some lip gloss. 

After stressing and throwing all the clothes I own over my bed I finally picked an outfit, checking myself into the mirror, I took my keys and headed out.

After stressing and throwing all the clothes I own over my bed I finally picked an outfit, checking myself into the mirror, I took my keys and headed out

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Imagine you're wearing something like this, maybe without the jacket because it's the beginning of summer hehe. (Let me know if you want me to include photos of outfits in the future like this!) Ok, back to the story ;)

Their studio was pretty close to my house, so after a while, I got there, I got a little nervous and hesitant to knock on the door. But I hadn't gotten ready for nothing, so I went ahead did so. Some voices and a few shuffling noises could be heard before a familiar blonde girl opened the door, her face instantly brightened at the sight of me and she jumped to hug me as she squealed out of happiness.

She quickly dragged me inside, where three other boys were sitting around a table one of them with a guitar and another one behind a piano. The latter locked eyes with me, our eyes lost in each other, he was truly magnificent, with a cigarette between his lips.

"Hey Y/n, great to see you again."-Damiano said, getting up from the piano and giving me a hug, I loved being embraced in his strong arms.

"Hi, I'm Thomas."-The blonde boy with the guitar introduced himself.

"And I'm Ethan."-The last boy said, he had long voluminous black hair. 

I gave them both a smile while greeting them, afterwards, Vic gave me a tour of their place, which had a backyard with a swimming pool. Later, they practiced a few songs they were working on for their upcoming album while I listened carefully from the couch. They played great together, and I was even more mesmerized by how beautiful Damiano's voice was and how seductively he waltzed around the studio as he sang.

The sun had already gone down and the band members decided to finish for today. We decided to have dinner by the pool, where we talked about each other. I got to know hoe they met and created the band, and found how Ethan and Thomas were shy sweethearts that were slowly but surely opening up, and it was great to get to know them. Now Vic and Thomas were playing/wrestling in the pool while Ethan cleaned the dinner table. I was sitting in a pool chair when Damiano came towards me and sat on a chair next to me.

"You have a talent, you all have."-I said while looking at him, he lighted a cigarette and looked at me while he smirked as a sign of gratitude. A couple of minutes of comfortable silence followed.

"I've been wondering what was taking you so long to come over. I even thought you didn't enjoy our time together the other night."-He said quietly, like a whisper. I was kind of shocked at his words.

"What? Of course I enjoyed our time together, how could you even think that?"-I exclaimed, exaggerating it a little bit, earning a soft chuckle from him.

"I know you did. Just wanted to see your reaction."-He responded. I acted offended and suddenly stole the cigarette from his fingers. Now his face was the one shocked.

Before he could take it back, I took a little puff from it, letting the air slowly leave my mouth. I knew he was watching me, but I kept it cool and avoided his stare.

"What do you think you're doing Principessa?"-He said with an amused tone, I didn't respond.

He got up and went towards me, leaning so close he was practically on top of me, I could breathe in his smoke and cologne scent. He softly took the cigarette from my lips, gently brushing his thumb across my bottom one. His hair got in the way and I instinctively brushed it back with my hands, we stared at each other, looking between our eyes and our mouths.

He smirked slightly as he crushed his lips with mine, we intertwined our bodies in perfect harmony, our mouths dancing in a kiss full of passion.

"Muoio dalla voglia di continuare a conoscerti meglio, Bella."-He mutters on my ear. 

[ "I'm dying to get to know you better, Bella." ]

-To be Continued-

A/N: Hey guys! Hopefully, you enjoyed this part. I'm thinking about finishing the imagine here but let me know if you would like a part 3! :) 

Also, some of my friends have requested me to do an imagine in Spanish (because I'm from Spain lol), so you may or may not be expecting an imagine fully written in Spanish coming soon ;)

As always, thank you for the support, I'll try to upload more often I swear but until then don't be afraid to comment anything you want (aka ideas, suggestions, requests, etc). See you all soon <3

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