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TW: Bad language, fight

Damiano and I have been together for almost two years now, and to be honest, at first I didn't think it was going to last. Dami's style and personality made me think, initially, that he was the typical bad guy that would break your heart, but I couldn't be more wrong.

When I got to know him better and we made our relationship official, I discovered this sweet soul that hides inside his gothic and tough look. He was the kindest and cutest around me, it's like I was his soft spot, although sometimes he could get too overportective...

One night we were hanging out at one of our friend's house with his bandmates: Victoria, Thomas and Ethan.

"Hey, we should make this a party!"-Vic proposed, already taking her phone to invite more people. We all had to agree, even though Ethan's face revealed that he wasn't really feeling it.

After a while, people started showing up, most of them were old classmates of Vic and Thomas, because they went to high school together. However, I could recognize some people that were friends of Damiano and from other parties.

"Y/n!"-A tall blond guy called from the other side of the living room, approaching the couch where I was sitting with Dami.

"Mario!"-I respond when I recognize him, he was one of my closest friends in high school and I even had a little crush on him for some time. I couldn't deny he looked handsome.

"You look great! Wow, it's been so long since we last saw each other."-He comments while taking a sip of his drink. I get up to give him a hug, which he responds holding me tight.

"That's true. Well Mario this is Damiano, and Dami this is Mario."-I introduce them, I turn around and see Dami's tough expression, he puts an arm around my waist and holds his hand towards Mario.

"I'm the boyfriend."-He says with a cold tone, I immediately realize what's happening.

"Right, umm Mario it was great seeing you. Damiano can we go outside for a moment, to talk?"-I ask, although it's rather a command.


"Why were you so rude to him?"-I yell as soon as he closes the door to the backyard, we're pretty much alone because the night was pretty chilly.

"Really, I am the one you're blaming? Didn't you see how he looked at you, like you were a fucking piece of meat?"-He yells back, everytime he was angry, you could see his eyes turn darker and his veins get tighter.

"I can't believe you're acting this way, he's my high school best friend and he would never do that. But, as always, you just jump into conclusions and get jealous straight away."-I comment with sarcasm, he only gets more upset.

"Listen to me very clearly y/n, I only jump into conclusions to protect you from gross people in this world. The mere thought of a guy drooling at you like you were his prey makes my blood boil, because you're not only a beautiful girl, you're smart, sweet, funny and so many more things hidden from the naked eye."-He expresses looking deep into my eyes, and that's the sweet and true side of Damiano coming out to demonstrate his love for me, the part of Damiano that I adore with all my soul.

"I love you."-I simply respond, eyes wet with emerging tears, Damiano's face softens at my words and a shy smile appears in his lips.

I stare at his lips for a couple of seconds until he cups my face with his strong hands and kisses me passionately. "Ti amo di più, principessa."-He mutters in my ear when we part for air.

"Oh, I'm the worst boyfriend of all time, my girl is now crying and cold!"-He jockingly comments noticing my body lightly shivering.

I laugh while he takes off his characteristic leather jacket and puts it over my shoulders, giving me a loving kiss in the forehead.

"And by the way, I would never be jealous of a blond pig like him."-He says confidently, making me laugh once again.

That's the Damiano I love.

A/N: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the votes! I can't believe ya'll are actually reading this lol. Anyways, for my dear dirty-minded, smuts will be coming soon, so stay tuned ;)

Feel free to leave any ideas and/or suggetions in the comments <3

Damiano David Imagines-MåneskinWhere stories live. Discover now