Another Joins the Grave

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Bob was sitting on a happy, little hill. He smiled gleefully, he enjoyed this place. This place made Bob happy. Bob was happy.

Bob sighs and sits next to a tree. He pulls out his phone, and squints to look at what was on screen. It's a little bit harder to see stuff on your phone when you are outside y'know?

Regardless, he skimmed social media. He then opened his twitter app, and prepared to post a image of him sitting outside. He was  finally ready. Today was the day he would do a face reveal. He was confident enough to do it.

Without further ado, he posted it. It instantly gained attention. He didn't look at the comments at first. Bob was happy.

Bob went home. He saw his girlfriend Opheebop sitting on the couch. He smiled. He was happy. Bob was happy.

Bob slept well that night. He had plans this morning to post his new "humanchase" video on his "Sleep" channel.

Bob wakes up and looks at twitter. He squints at the trending tag.

1st in Trending Twitter Tags: #CancelDream

Bob was mad. What was this? He looked, at the description. "Bob, also known as Dream, also known as Sleep, has pissed off his fans. He did a fake face reveal and his fans have had enough."

Fake face reveal? Fake? Bob was mad. Bob was upset. Bob was frustrated.

Bob is mad
Bob is mad
Bob is mad
Bob is mad
Bob is mad
Bob is mad
Bob is mad
Bob is mad

Bob was stressed. He went to his old friend Mother Mearest, who would soon be his worst nightmare.

"People don't believe me, they don't believe me! I showed them my face and they don't trust me! Now I am getting canceled! I have 0 subscribers!"

Mother Mearest understood his pain. She was sad she couldn't help. She paused, then got an idea.

"My my dear, that must be so awful for a little fella like you. I can't have your fans forgive you,
however I do have other means of assisting you. For example..."

She offered to sell him special cigarettes in order to take the stress off his mind. She advised him to stay low and start a new life as a fortnite streamer. He accepted the offer.

Ever since, his life was much more dull. Much more tragic. Much more empty.

Bob was not happy, but at least he was not mad.

One day, a midget and his sexy girl came up to him.

"You look dumb"
"Beep bop"
"I don't like you"
"You look like Dream"

Bob died on the spot

Bob saw Garcello.
"Who are you"
"I'm Bob, and I'm mad."
"Why are you mad"
"Because I died dumbass you look like a hobo looking ass sans acting oneshot lamplighter looking ass"
"Whatever, I can't stay dead!"
"Too bad"
"No, I'll find a way outta this!"

To be continued

Another Chance (A Garcello and Bob fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now