...not mcdonalds

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Bob proceeds to piss and whine like a bitch saying how he will find away to live again despite that being near impossible.

"Hey are you uh...done yet?"
"No Philza Minecraft, creator of Minecraft, I am not done."


"I'm kinda hungry"
"Aren't we ghosts dumbass"
"Who said ghosts couldn't get hungry"

They go up to a restaurant. Apparently it's uh...'Restaurante de Fromage Bleu'. Is that supposed to be British or something? It didn't matter really.

They go in the restaurant.

"Shit didn't we think about them like, not being able to see us?"
"Well no shit dumbass this was your idea" said Bob with a huge frown on his face. "You really are as dumb as you look"

A 🅱iece of 🅱lue cheese looked up at them. "Hello what can I get you"

"Wait how can you see us"
"I'm British, I've been to hell and back. What do you expect from me"
"Can you go back to hell ew British person" said Bob.
"Haha! No can do my soul is bound to serve this restaurant until I die"
"I...is that really true?"
"Well...uh...you see...uhm...anyways what would you like to order again?"

They proceeded to talk their orders, brushing aside whatever kinda conversation that was.

"Thank you, that'll be...oh wait. I suppose you don't actually have money, being dead and all. Eh it's fine, that one's on the house!"

They could hear bickering from the back, something about a 8th time today after some blue haired boy came in.

Bob and Garcello proceeded to (somehow) eat their food.
"So how exactly do you expect to come back to life?"
"I was expecting some answers from you."
"Eh? Oh no shot, I don't wanna go back"
"Why not?"
"Ok fine, we can like find someone who knows how to conjure the dead or something."
"Good on you"

Another Chance (A Garcello and Bob fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now