Chapter 2

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Jo's POV

How can someone be so fucking rude? As Mr. Wilson said, some respect would be nice. Who does this Hero guy think he is? I saw he's wearing a football jersey and I hope that not all the boys on the team are that obnoxiously rude and annoying if I'm going to be joining cheer. Also why does he have to claim a seat? There's a reason I sat at the back of the class so I wouldn't be stared at.

My English literature class ends and I hurry from the room so I don't have to run into him again. I have Maths next and I'm thankful he's not in it and I'm with Kasey. I smile warmly as I sit next to her. "So how was your English class?" She asks and she arranges her things on the desk. "Well it was fine until some guy called Hero was rude about me apparently sitting in his seat. Like who-"
"Wait Hero? As in Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, the football captain?"
Oh fuck. He's the football captain.
"I guess that's him. Who else is called Hero?"
"Seriously Jo. You sat in his seat!" I can tell by Kasey's face that I clearly shouldn't have done that but I still don't see the big problem.
"What's the problem with that? It's just a seat."
Kasey lowers her voice so only I can hear. "Jo girl, you basically have a death wish now. Hero is very protective over his personal items. As in he bought a chair for each class he's in because he complained about the ones that are provided are too uncomfortable and only he can sit in the ones that are his. So your probably in his bad books now and that's not a good thing."
What the fuck? This guy has some serious problems.
"Oh" is all I say. Before we can talk anymore the lesson begins.

Hero's POV

I actually can't believe that Josephine girl sat in my seat. My own personal chair. Mr Wilson should have known better than to let her sit wherever she liked. But he probably wasn't paying attention to where she actually sat and in my seat too.
I'm in Religion the most boring class of all. I wonder what class Josephine has now. Not that I'm bothered or care. I nudge Sam's seat with my foot and she turns round. "What do you want?" She glares at me as I smirk. "You met the new girl?"
A smile appears on her face. "Oh Jo? Yeah she's in my form. Why?"
Oh she's Jo now is she?
"She's annoying and she sat in my seat in English"
"She didn't!" Sam's mouth falls open a little. See Sam knows better. She knows about my seats.
"Well I think she's pretty cool. She's done cheer before so me and Frankie invited her onto the team and I've already spoken to Grace who said it's fine and that we could use someone who has done cheer before so we don't have to teach her."
"She's done cheer before? How do you know?"
"Well I asked her about it and she said she has and she looks like a cheerer to me."

I get the feeling that there's something Sam isn't telling me about this Jo or Josephine, whatever her name is. But I don't push it and ask. I just nod and Sam turns back round. So the newbie will join the cheerleading team. I'm one step closer to knowing this girl. There's just something about her, that when I first saw her eyes they were bright but had sadness in them and she didn't put up a fight to me like any of the others girls would have when I asked her to move. It's intriguing and I want to understand her.

Jo's POV

Kasey has invited me to sit with her and her friends during lunch. We enter the busy cafeteria full of students and join the line to get food. "So I'm thinking of joining the cheer squad. Well I've been asked too!" I bring up with Kasey, hoping she can enlighten me on the team. She smiles. "Oh great. Rach is on the team too. All the girls are pretty cool. You've already spoke to Sam and Frankie."
We get our lunch and Kasey leads me over to a table with another 3 girls. One is wearing a cheer hoodie so I assume that she's Rach.
I can tell by the way Kasey is greeting people and introducing me that she's well liked and popular but she doesn't go around on boys arms and she doesn't brag about it. My kind of person. I'm still being ogled  at for being the new person and I can see people whispering. Whether that's about Hero's chair or that fact I'm new, I don't know.
We take seats and Kasey introduces the girls as: Emily, Hope and then Rach. The conversation flows easily and I talk to Rach about the cheer squad. She says is pretty chill and as I've already done a lot before it should be easy to pick up.
"When we do a sequence at a match, we take pictures with the football team obviously after the game and we always go through the whole team when we're chanting to encourage the boys. Starting with the caption Hero of course." I'm trying to follow everything that Rach is saying and catch everything I can on this cheer squad. I nod "that all sounds fun" I smile.
Rach gives me her number so we can keep in contact if we need to. Kasey also adds me to a Snapchat group that seems to have anyone who is everyone from the school in it.

Once the bell rings to signal that lunchtime is over, I make my way with Kasey to our next class. Sociology. When we arrive, we're early. "Just a quick reminder that the chair at the back in the right corner is Hero's. So don't sit in it." Kasey smirks. Great he's in this class too. "I hoped he was only in literature with me." I chuckle as the teacher arrives and we're let in. "Soz girl but just be glad he's not in all your classes!" Kasey laughs as we take our seats next to each other in the middle of the room and the rooms slowly starts to fill with people.
15 minutes into the lesson, Hero walks in closely followed by two other guys. I hadn't noticed his appearance before; his tossled brown hair that's pushed up off his forehead and thick eyebrows and the fact that he's at least 6 foot tall. In his football jersey and black Adidas joggers. If I was any other girl, I'd probably find him attractive like everyone seems too. I even heard people discussing his outfit over lunch earlier.
Why are people so obsessed with the guy?

"Late Fiennes-Tiffin!" The teachers barks as Hero shrugs and goes to his seat. "You too Felix, Michael!" The other two boys actually apologise and take seats on the same row as their leader. "Hey Josephine" I turn round and try to match the thick English accent to the person. I don't see anyone looking and I purposely avoid looking in Hero's direction so I turn round and continue to work with Kasey. The class ends more quickly than I would have liked and we are given our first lot of homework. I'm just packing up my things when someone slaps their hand down on the desk. I look up to see the owner of the manly long fingered hand.
"Hey JoJo" I scowl furiously at him and his piecing green eyes full of amusement and try not show the sadness that washes over me when that nickname falls from his mouth. But I can't help but notice that he's the one with the English accent and that just fills my head with a number of questions. I don't respond and swing my bag over my shoulder and rush from the room without looking back.

The Player | Herophine ~ Hero Fiennes Tiffin x Josephine Langford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now