Chapter 4

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Hero's POV

It's now the next day and as suspected everyone is coming to my party of course. Well everyone it seems except Josephine. She still hasn't said she is coming and I wonder whether it's because she has no idea where I live or because she just simply doesn't want to come, which is annoying. I text Kasey and ask if she's heard anything from her, which she replies no but also asks why the hell I'm asking. I just tell her that I was wondering if Jo is coming to the party and she leaves it alone.

I shrug my football hoodie on and throw my coat over the top as it says -1 degrees out even though it was so warm yesterday and go out to my car just as Felix appears through the hedge. "Hey man" he greets me as we both slide in my car and I wack the heating up. "So your party, do you need help setting up?" Felix asks. He knows he doesn't even need to ask because he'll be round helping anyway. "Sure" I drum my fingers on the steering wheel. "What's on your mind bro?" I hear the suspicion in his voice.
"Well I was just thinking how to annoy the new girl today" I smirk and look over a Felix. "You mean Jo?" He asks looking over at me with a small smile. I nod and turn my attention back to the road. "Well I don't know what classes she has today and I know you have a serious crush on Kase so maybe you could talk to her!"
Felix reddens at the mention of Kasey and he just nods smiling as I laugh at his embarrassment.

We arrive at school and pull into my parking space and climb out. After taking seats on the picnic bench, within minutes we're surrounded by people and the rest of the football team. I don't see Josephine anywhere so maybe she just hasn't arrived yet, but not that I'm checking.
Today I have Frankie on my lap and I know she's in Jo's form. "Hey Frankie, you seen Jo?" She turns her head to look at me and I almost think she's going to kiss me, her face is so close to mine. "Nope. I don't think she's coming to your party though. To be honest why would she?"
"What do you mean?" I question.
"Well you weren't particularly nice to her yesterday on her first day here." She gives me a very fake sympathetic smile.
"I was nice!" I state.
Frankie giggles a little and shaking her head. "Kicking her off your chair and calling her a nickname she doesn't want to be called is you being nice H?"
I nod and before I can say anything else, the bell sounds.

Jo's POV

I'm so glad I drove here early this morning and arrived before that Hero guy. I feel like he's out to get me or something because of the whole chair thing. I still haven't said I'm going to his party and I know I'm not going. I walk to form and take my seat next to Kasey. "Hey Jo" she smiles. "Hey" I return the smile.
"So you coming to H's party?" I've taken to notice that people call Hero, H but I will just call him Hero. "I'm not sure" I say looking down at my planner and twiddling my pen between my fingers.
"Hey don't be worried. I know Hero gave you a bit of a hard time yesterday but trust me you never actually see him at these parties because there's so many people. Look me and the girls will pick you up and we can get ready and go together. We normally don't stay for the whole night anyway."
Kasey is making me feel a lot better about this party situation now. "Okay I'll go" I give her a small smile before Kasey pulls me into a hug and smiles widely. "Yay, we're going to have so much fun!"

Hero's POV

My phone vibrates on my way to Biology and I retrieve it from my pocket.
From Kasey: Jo's coming to the party!
Fuck yes. Thank you Kasey and Felix didn't even have to flirt with you to get that done which is a shame. I text her a fanks and walk into class. Jo is there and is sitting in the seat next to mine at the lab table. I take my seat and I watch her concentration face turn into a scowl, she clearly didn't realise I sit here. "Hey Jo" I rest my head on the lab table, on top of my folded arms and watch her. She's engrossed in her work and it's for some reason fascinating to watch. "Hero" she replies bringing out her accent and she nods curtly not looking at me. I continue to watch her and I see her growing more and more frustrated with me by the second as her brows start to knit together.
"Do you mind?" She suddenly blurts out a little too loudly as some people turn to look at her. I smirk. "Nope" emphasising the 'p'. She lets out a small groan and continues to work without another word as I continue to stare at her. That groan

I don't know what it is about this girl that I'm so captivated by. Maybe because she doesn't seem to be giving much away about herself and I'm determined to find out something so I can spill the tea. Perhaps there isn't anything to her and she's just really boring, but I doubt it. Now that I'm looking at Jo probably, I can see across the back of her neck she has a tattoo. This must be what Sam meant when she said that she knew Josephine was a cheerleader prior to coming here. Her tattoo is two of those cheer pom-pom streamer things, crossed at the sticks and a small love heart just below them. "Your tattoo is nice" I comment hoping to get something out of this girl. I hear her mumble a "thanks" and I see a small sad smile appear across her face. "What wrong Josephine?" I ask gently, leaning towards her a little bit.

Jo's POV

I really don't know what to think at this point. Hero was so rude yesterday and it made my first day hell, now he's being super nice and he sounds so calm. "Nothings wrong" I reply. He shuffles even close to me, damn these lab tables. "You don't look very happy" Hero tells me in a soft voice.
Yeah because I'm not happy!
"Well I'm fine!" The words leave my mouth in a much harsher tone than expected and Hero retreats a little. I lower my voice a little and hope it's calmer. "Sorry, that came out harsher than I wanted. Why are you being nice to me? You were horrible yesterday" I point out. I think for a second I see hurt in Hero's eyes as I force myself to look into them. He gives me a small smile that shows his dimple in his right cheek and I suddenly get the impression he doesn't smile much. "Well I heard you decided to come to my party so I thought I should show that I'm not always like I was yesterday and to tell you that I'm glad your coming."

How does he know I'm going to his party? Did Kasey tell him? I don't really appreciate that if she did. "Well thanks. It's nice to see that you can be nice." I sarcastically smile and turn my attention back to my work to finish writing.
"You didn't say anything about your tattoo Jo" Hero whispers in an even softer voice than before. I'm now aware that he's right by my ear and I'm suddenly thankful that we're sitting in the back of class. I lean away from him but don't look at his face. "Well I don't want to talk about it" I say with sternness in my voice. I jump as I feel something brush my temple gently and tucking some strand hair behind my ear. The gesture is soft and sweet, unlike the person who is providing it. "H-Hero what are you doing?" I curse myself for stuttering. Hero is giving my that small smile of his and he looks thoughtful. If I was anyone else, I'd say his expression was cute and unlike his normal demeanour.
"Just trying to understand why you have a cheerleading tattoo Jo" Hero whispers matter a factly. I sigh because I know if I don't tell him, he won't give up with the question. "Alright I'll tell you."

The Player | Herophine ~ Hero Fiennes Tiffin x Josephine Langford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now