Chapter 9

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Hero's POV

After confessions corner late last night with Jo, I walked her back to her car and made sure she got home okay. I haven't heard anything from her other than her letting me know she was home and I can't help but keep going over the conversation in my head. Or rather the obvious movements. Jo kept shifting next to me and slightly rubbed her thighs together. Of course she will think I didn't notice, but I did and I'm more than sure that she'd never admit to feelings like that about me.
The fact that I know she was dripping just from me putting my arm round her and comforting her, makes me hard just thinking about it.

I'm off school today and I don't necessarily need to be in any way. I'm on my way to a local registry office as I phoned up yesterday about some documents that I was hoping they could get a hold of and copy for me. Throwing the Fiennes-Tiffin name around certainly has is perks so this was an easy track down. I park up and enter the old but characteristic building, and headed to the old guy sitting behind a wooden table as a desk. An old computer monitor sitting in front of him and making too much noise that it fills the almost empty room. I guess that's what people need to use when looking up old death, birth and divorce certificates and unreleased press, and information on people.

"Hello can I help you?" The old man offers me a gappy smile to go with his overly cheery voice.
"Yes. I've come to look at some documents. I phoned up yesterday-"
"Ah Mr. Fiennes-Tiffin" the man glances at the old screen before gesturing me to follow him through a door.
I follow him through room after room of what look like filing cabinets as labelled and arranged in aisles. I'd hate to work in place like this, it would confuse the fuck out of my brain. "Here we are" the man opens a door that leads to a small room and there's just a table and chair with a box on it. It looks a bit like a prison cell, no window and dimly light but I keep those thoughts to myself. "Take as much time as you need" the man says before disappearing and shutting the door behind him. I nod into the blank space and I'm left alone to this box of what I know I shouldn't be looking at.

Jo's POV

After an eventful night last night, I'm beyond exhausted today at school. There's no Hero here today and I keep getting weird looks from people and I hear his name been said when I'm around. They probably think I'm his new fuck buddy or something.
I want to say that I actually miss Hero at school but that would be silly of me. Again last night he was nice and the complete opposite of the rude, rule breaking, bad boy he is in school.
I've got my first cheer practice after school today and I'm excited and running on a ball of nerves.
"Felix?" I slightly raise my voice as I've followed the guy through the halls until I know there is no one around. Felix stops and turns round "Jo?" He says, confusion spreading across his features.
"How long have you known Hero?" The question comes out more bluntly than intent and I see him raise an eyebrow.
"Ever since we were in nappies. Why do you ask?"
"Well you seem to know him quite well and Hero seems to be very interested in my life so I wanted to know about his. You seem to be the only person who knows him that well and I thought I'd ask you since he's not here!" I state and bounce back and forth on the balls of my feet.

"What do you want to know Jo?" Felix asks leaning against the corridor wall.
"Why's he's so horrible and nice to me in the same day?"
I came up with the idea that I'd just ask Felix about Hero. I know I will be able to get something out of him if I talk about Kasey and get them to go on a date. Apparently they haven't even been on one and they haven't spoken about their feelings for each other, but it's so obvious.
Felix opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off and smile apologetically. "If you answer 5 of my questions. I'll get a date with Kasey for you, considering you too stubborn to ask her yourself." I can't help but smirk when I see his face turn red but also lights up at the mention of Kasey's name. "Deal" he blushes.
See that was easy.
"Okay well I've just asked you one" I state matter a factly.

"That's just Hero. Honestly I've heard people say he has man periods because of his obvious mood swings. H has always had a moody side which is more present than his nicer side and well you just have to learn to live with it. I have and I just see the funny side now and banter with him if he's being a sulky pain in the fucking arse." He chuckles and waits for me to speak.
I don't comment on what Felix says, I just absorb the information and list my next question.
"Why did you guys move here?"
"Both our dads work for the same business and Hero's older brother now too. They were both transferred out here and we moved together, it wasn't so bad because we had each other back then. We've always had each other's backs me and H." I smile at Felix's reminiscing and he does too. They are basically brothers and sometimes you don't choose your family, it's just the closet people who are around you. That's Hero for Felix and Felix for Hero. They are each other's family.

Next question. "Is Hero any different now then what he was say last week?" I've no idea what made me ask but I need to know if he's different around me.
"You mean because the of you?" Felix catches on to my thoughts and I look down at the ground, slightly embarrassed that I would ever think he would change because of me being here for a mere 3 days. "I mean other than the fact he's actually asked for ways to annoy you because he loves annoying people full stop and he couldn't come up with anything himself which is unusual." I hear him chuckling even though I'm not looking at him. I can't help but let out a laugh myself. "Not really though. I've not seen much change as of the past year to be honest." And then this disappointment sinks in.
"Jo if your trying to ask me if Hero is going to change because you've spent time with him and he's told you your different than all the other girls. I'm sorry to say that it probably won't happen." I feel like sinking into a deep hole. I'm so embarrassed that the thoughts even crossed my mind, let alone Felix knowing what I really meant. "He's said those things before to a girl who was around before we moved over here. Trust me it never works out and your probably better of refraining from thinking about him like that all. For your sake and his." Felix continues sympathetically.

So Hero had a girl. A special girl it sounds like from what Felix is saying. "Who was she?" I suddenly blurt out. I can't help it. I need to know, want to know about this girl he had back home.
"Her name was Shaynise. Pronounced like Shanice but everyone just called her Shay. She went to school with us and lived round the corner from me and H. Shay was in our extensive group of friends and was always around at parties, school and hanging out with the other girls we were friends with. Hero really liked her and well she ended up breaking his heart by sleeping with one of our mates Morgan when she thought Hero had gone off her because he wasn't being affectionate or whatever. It was a big misunderstanding as far as I know and H and Morgz are still good mates now.
Anyway Hero was so heart broken that he vowed to me and all the boys that he'd never put himself in a situation where he'd get attached to another girl like that again. Shay was kicked out of her group because she was a real bitch and now she's pregnant or something with some random dude, I don't know. Hero was just going through a hard time with family stuff so that's why he'd been closed off at the time. It wasn't just Shay he'd been off, he never came to see me really apart from school and I was his neighbour."

Felix sighs and runs his hand over his dirty blonde hair. I can see why Kasey finds him attractive but he's not the deep green eyed, stern faced and mysterious Hero Fiennes-Tiffin.
"Final question Felix" I give him a small smile which he returns humourlessly.
"Of course Jo" his voice is slightly mocking but there's more laughter behind it than anything else. I ponder for a moment unsure about what to ask him. I come to conclusion of asking him the most obvious thing that comes to mind. "Where is Hero now? I know he's not here because he told me he was busy, but who does stuff during the school week?"
Felix looks a little hesitant and I think I see worry flash across his face. "Ok so Hero's doing something like detective work. His dad set him up on something and he's done this a couple of times and FT is quite good at it I've heard." there isn't a hint of sarcasm in his voice, only seriousness and his expression concluded that.
"What?" I gape. Hero doing detective work? As if!

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