Chapter 3

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Hero's POV

Okay so this Josephine clearly has something against me calling her JoJo. I saw the pain mixed with anger in her eyes when I called her JoJo in Sociology . It's just a nickname, what could be so hurtful about it. So now I've decided to just call her Jo because that what everyone else seems to be calling her.
I make my way to sports with Felix and Jack and enter the changing rooms. All the boys go quiet as I enter, like always. Oh the power I have over them is great. The security I feel that I have them all wrapped round my little finger. Everyone it seems, except Jo. She doesn't know how to behave around me like everyone else. But she'll learn, she has too.

We go out on the field and have a kick about while practicing passes. The girls all wander onto the tennis courts and I see Jo-sephine watching from the sidelines, still in her day outfit. Clearly she forgot gym clothes. I watch the other girls and shout a few snide comments as well as teasing the cheer captain; Grace.

Jo's POV

Leaning against this railing and listen to Hero torment girls for what their wearing even if it's a joke, isn't my idea of fun. Especially when the girls are giggling and blushing that he's even speaking to them. I get it's fun to him, but it's not fun to watch.
I'm suddenly aware of his presence behind me and he collects a ball that's just hit the railings. I don't turn round and I keep my eyes fixed on watching Kasey and Emily. "Hey JoJo".
"Don't call me that!" I snap at him without turning round.
"Why not JoJo?" I can hear the amusement in his voice and I know for a fact that's he's probably smirking. "I said don't call me that" I snap again and I can feel the anger starting to boil inside me. "Why?" He asks again. Does this boy ever stop?
"Because." I say simply. "Why do you get all territorial about a fucking chair?" I say smiling.
That's when I do turn to look at Hero. He's standing about 3 feet away and with the fence between us. His arms crossed and as suspected a dimple showing cocky smirk on his face. I mirror his actions but keep my face neutral. "Well because it's my chair and no one sits on it, simple as that!" He replies before stretching his arms above his head and letting me get a full view of his biceps. Not that I care. "I just think that's ridiculous and petty." I tell him before turning and walking away as the coach blows her whistle to signal the end of class.

Hero's POV

I'm starting to get frustrated with my own brain as this girl Josephine seems to invade my curiosity and my thinking.
I go back into the changing rooms and change before heading straight out of school to my car accompanied by Felix as he lives next door.
Felix is my childhood best friend and he's lived next door ever since we moved from England. Well to be honest the Kent family actually moved with us as our dads both do the same job and were both moved out here.
I park up in our drive and bid Felix a see ya later as he disappears through the side hedge to his house. It looks like both my parents are home as their cars are here too. Fucking great.
"Ah Hero your here" my mother shouts as soon as I step my foot in the door. "Hey mum" I call back as I enter the kitchen. My mum doesn't turn round from her cooking and my younger sister is sitting at the breakfast bar. "Hey Merc" I wrap my arms around her and hug her as she returns the gesture. "Hey Hero"
"So your father and I are going out of town for a few days. We will be back on Monday." Of course the only thing my mum is talking about is work. I never get asked how my day was or what I was up to. Well I do, but only by Mercy. "Okay" I reply before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. "Mercy is going to Jemma's and you will stay here. Have a party or do what you want but the place needs to be pristine by the time we're home. Not like last time. Just don't tell your father I said you can do that."

My parents don't have a care for me. My older brother Titan is like their most proud achievement as he's got a high flying job in the same company as my dad, loads of money and a snob of a fiancé. My younger sister is their baby and they think she's made of glass, hence why she's going to Jemma's my mum's most trusted friend and bitch of a work colleague. I'm just the fuck up, useless and a poor excuse of a son in their eyes. But my mum is a lot softer than my dad. I can basically do whatever I want as long as it doesn't cause major problems or I get arrested. "Okay thanks mum" I tell her and I see her force a smile to her face as she looks at me. I leave the kitchen and head up to my room. I open Snapchat and started trying.
Group: Brownings bitches 👌
Hero FT🚀: First house party of the semester - Friday 7pm @ mine 👊

It's Tuesday so that gives everyone enough time to plan and get what their going to wear. I see that Jo has also been added to the group as well and part of me is hoping she might come as I know she's made friends and everyone comes to my parties.

Jo's POV

My mum picks me up and she's asks me about my day before telling me that Parker is still at work. I don't tell her about Hero, his chair obsession or him calling me JoJo as it will upset her.
When I get back, I rush to my room and change into some more comfortable clothes before flicking on the TV. My phone vibrates on my bed.
Hero FT🚀 is typing in Brownings bitches👌
Hero FT🚀 sent a snap to Brownings bitches 👌
I open Snapchat and read the message.
Hero FT🚀: First house party of the semester - Friday 7pm @ mine 👊
People are already replying saying that they are going and will bring drinks. I'm unsure whether to type anything and I don't think I particularly want to go anyway. Especially as it's at Hero's house. I don't want to be near that awfully rude guy if I don't have too and I don't want to be surrounded by drunk people, end of.

The Player | Herophine ~ Hero Fiennes Tiffin x Josephine Langford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now