Chapter 7

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Hero's POV

Just when I thought I wasn't going to see Josephine until Friday, I saw that I had English literature. She enters the room and our eyes meet for a brief second as she takes a seat in the far corner opposite to mine. I can't help but stare and smile at her; the way she organises her little desk with her notepad and coloured pens, the way she always ties her hair back into a low ponytail so it's not in her face when she's writing and the way I can see her glancing at me in the corner of her eye.
Mr Wilson does a double take when he comes in and sees I'm already there. The truth is I've no idea why I'm early but what I do know is that this Josephine girl sees to be invading every aspect of my life right now. I wish I could shake her off and make her leave. But I know that's really harsh but at the moment I don't know what's happened to me and why this girl is having such an impact on my life. I'm considering just going to see some old flings tomorrow and  not going to do what I was supposed to be doing or what I had planned, just because I can't seem to get this girl out my head and I need a distraction.
Well all these thoughts are going through my head, I'm also typing out a text to Jo:
Me: Hi Jo. Didn't expect to have more of your company today but here we are.
Was wondering if you wanted to wait around until I'm out of practice and I will take you home?! 🚀
Do I sound to desperate to want to spend more time with this blonde Aussie?

Jo's POV

I'm deep into my summery and analysation of the text we've been given when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Up until now I've avoided looking directly at Hero all together because I know he's been staring at me the entire time. However as soon as I see that the text is from him, I actually move my head. He's looking at me with one of his small dimple showing smile and a thoughtful look in his eyes.
I read his text:
From Hero: Hi Jo. Didn't expect to have more of your company today but here we are.
Was wondering if you wanted to wait around until I'm out of practice and I will take you home?! 🚀

I mean what does this guy not get about me not being one of his hook up girls. He's basically asking for it and as I've reminded myself many times, I've only been in this school 2 days. Having said that, my mind wanders to what he said during lunch; I won't be in tomorrow as I have stuff to do. I didn't ask him about it because I'm not nosey and it's none of my business but it does make me wonder because what an earth could be so important that he needs to take a day off in the first week of the semester.

Me: Hi, so what if I have a class with u! U sound as if it's a bad thing!
I don't want to hook up with u so don't waste time asking if I will wait for u while u practice so u can fuck in the changing room. No thanks!

I hit send, feeling pretty proud of myself for squashing his cocky attitude right down and taking the crown for myself.

From Hero: What makes you think that I wanted to fuck you? Jumping to conclusions are we Josephine or is it just that you really want to do what you say? 🚀

I hadn't expected anything less from the football captain and play boy.
Do I want to fuck him? Hell no.
Am I sure about that answer? Well I don't know because I can't deny that's he's attractive but that would make me into someone that I'm not if I did.

"Hero, Josephine please stop flirting and texting at the back there thank you!" Oh shit, of fucking course we would get called out for texting. I feel my cheeks heat up and I stare down at the desk in front of me. "Sorry Mr W. Josephine was just telling me how much she wanted to fuck me!" I can practically see Hero grinning without even looking at him and I can hear the amusement in his voice. So much for me being a different girl to all the rest. "Hero language please! I'm sure Josephine won't appreciate you calling out her wishes no matter what they may be" Mr Wilson sounds as embarrassed as I feel right now.

Hero's POV

Even if I just called Jo out on her saying she didn't want to fuck me, I can't help but think that she is lying. If she feels the same way that I do about her and if I knew about it. I'd probably be taking her to one of the toilets on the top floor and fuck her on the counter in there and in any place I could get the chance. I can't help but grin at my accomplishment on embarrassing Jo and I can't wait for my party on Friday so I can perhaps indulge in a little touch of dear Josephine.

Mr Wilson ends the class I watch Jo hurry out of the classroom and down the corridor. I depart slowly from the room to find Felix and Jack waiting for me to go down to the pitch. "Alright my boys?" I smirk and my loveable giddy feeling returns as it always does when I'm about to play footie. We meet the rest of the team in the changing rooms and changing into our kit, as always raring to go and ready to get onto the field for a not in the least bit professional game.
I've got a slither of hope that I will see Josephine's blonde figure in the small stands but of course I don't and my subconscious is forever asking me why I even bother thinking about the girl.

The Player | Herophine ~ Hero Fiennes Tiffin x Josephine Langford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now