Chapter 12

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Jo's POV

We arrive at Hero's house just after the start time and I can already hear the music blaring from the house. I can't help but gaze in awe at the building in front of me, it's beautiful, elegant and huge. I knew he was rich but I didn't think he was this rich. I follow Kasey and Hope up to the large front door and link arms with Rach as we enter so not to fall over the front steps in my high heels. I hate these things but I promised Kase that I'd wear them and I'm thankful that I'll be able to slip my flats on as soon as I'm out of sight.

The living room is already crowded with people where the music is coming from and there is a least one person covering each inch of this house. I find the better place with more space is the dining room that leads to the conservatory. I see Hero leaning against the wall outside smoking a cigarette and in what looks like deep conversation with Jack. Felix has already approached our group and whisked Kasey off somewhere and Emily has also disappeared. I excuse myself saying that I'm going to find the toilet but really I'm looking for a nice quiet spot somewhere. I notice a door as I'm walking through the kitchen that is nearly beneath the stairs and I'm intrigued to know. I try the knob but it's locked. Not meant to be. "Hey Jo"
I turn round to see someone I sort of recognise from one of my classes and give her a smile. "Hey" I reply shyly.
"Well aren't you flaming tonight. Jeez you look so hot in that dress" I blush and accept a drink from Hope as she appears at my side and we continue to chat to people.

Hero's POV

Everything is going super well for this party. I noticed Felix sneaking off with Kasey somewhere. Probably to make out even though they said they haven't even kissed which is bullshit. I'm yet to see Jo though. I wander back inside and through to the kitchen, welcoming and greeting a couple of people. That's when I see her.
At first I think my mind is playing tricks on me and I actually can't believe that I'm looking at the same girl who likes to wear baggy clothes that do nothing for her clearly stunning figure. Jo is wearing the most sexist dress in the god damn world. I grit my teeth trying to control the urge that my cock is giving me to tear it off her and I compose myself before joining her and Hope and the group their talking to. She's got a drink in hand and I know that it won't be alcoholic because she's with Hope. "Hey you girls made it then. Good to see you here Jo" I smile and it is returned more by Hope then Jo. She is clearly still mad at me from this morning. I need to make this right.

"Jo can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask carefully. She stares at me for a second before nodding and following me out the room and up the stairs. I noticed people's eyes on me but I know their not looking at me, their looking at Jo and that irresistible dress that's she's wearing. I'm thankful that my room has a lock on it from when my parents locked me in and wouldn't let me out until I'd apologised for ruining their holiday once. It would probably be trashed right now if it wasn't for that lock. Not that I stayed in there when my parents locked me in anyway because I snuck out of my window and left the tv on so they would think I was still in there.
I unlock it and lead Jo inside. I know she'll have a million and one questions as to why I have a lock on my door but that's for another day. I need to sort her being mad at me out first, but this time I want a proper answer from her. I plop down on my bed and I look at her. Jo's eyes are wandering around my room, taking in every detail and everything I own. They finally land on me and my eyes connect with hers. "I don't want you to be mad at me Jo. I'm sorry. I know you don't like people calling you that but what is the real issue behind it?"

She shrugs and looks at the floor. "Thanks for the apology Hero" Jo adds in a flat tone and completely ignoring my question. She turns away from me to leave the room. I spring to my feet and gently grab her arm, stopping her from going anywhere. "Hero?" She questions in barely a whisper and I let her arm go.
I sit down on my bed again and this time Jo steps closer but she doesn't join me. "Jo you didn't answer my question" I state a little too forcefully. She frowns and folds her arms across her chest which only brings up her short dress even more. "It's personal" she answer in the same flat tone. I can't help but let out a laugh and watch her frown turn more into an angry Jo face. "What's so funny?" She asks glaring.
"Jo seriously come on". She doesn't say anything.
"Jo you've told me plenty of personal things before. How is this an exception?"

The Player | Herophine ~ Hero Fiennes Tiffin x Josephine Langford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now