Chapter 8

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Jo's POV

The drive home with my mum is anything but interesting. She asks me about my day and tells me that Parker will be working the entire week. I hear the disappointment and sadness in her voice and it makes me wander for the 100th time this week as to why we even moved at all. If my mum didn't want Parker to work all the time and not be around, why didn't she stop him from taking the job. I guess none of us really knew the work load he would be getting. Parker is okay, but he's not my dad and he never will be but the nice thing about him is that he doesn't try to fill the hole that my dad left behind. He's just there as a constant support to me and my mum and for that I'm grateful.

I didn't tell mum about being called out in class for potentially flirting with Hero over text but I do tell her that Kasey has invited me to a party on Friday. I'm an adult and my mum isn't bothered about what I do outside of school as long as it's not drugs and I am still about to get up for school and be able to study. I arrive home and take my dinner to my bedroom and to get an early start on the homework I've been given. I manage to get 2 pieces finished off until I realise that it's 9pm. I haven't looked at my phone since I left school but I'm surprised that I don't have any texts from Hero and just one from Kasey asking me about some homework.
I hear the familiar sound of my car pull into the driveway and the front door open. I close my eyes only to open them a few minutes later to the sound of arguing. My mums voice and Parker's. Fucking great.

"Well I don't like the fact that your working all the time and you never spend time with the person you say that love and your step daughter. We moved here to get a fresh start and to be able to be a proper family and we never see you!" My mums voice screams as I tread lightly down the stairs and I cringe. A proper family my ass. We've never been a proper family and we never will be since dad, I know Parker isn't trying to fill his shoes but my mum saying that makes me think that that's how she feels.
Creak. Fuck it's that step. My mums screaming stops as she comes out of the kitchen and sees me on the stairs. "Josephine?"
"I couldn't sleep with you shouting at each other. I'm going out. Sort out what you need to sort out and I hope that when I come back, you won't be screaming at each other." I firmly tell my mother before grabbing my shoes and keys from the basket by the door before heading out. I get in my car and drive away, having not a clue where I'm going because I've only lived here for 2 weeks. On my drive round, I see a park and I stop and get out. I sigh and start to walk towards an inviting looking bench. It's nearly 10pm and I know I really shouldn't be out by myself at this time especially alone.

Hero's POV

I'm taking a late night stroll. Something I do when I get home from practice to cool off and allow my muscles to work normally again. I find myself thinking of the park I'd grown up in, where I used to play out with my mates and do everything I probably shouldn't do like start smoking.
As I wander past the gate that leads into the park that's where I live now, even though it's nothing like the one back in London and I suddenly notice a figure sat on one of the benches. It's a girl and now I'm worried. Any women knows they shouldn't be walking around outside in the dark late at night. And in a park of all places. I walk through and gate and mentally curse the council for fixing it so it doesn't squeak. It would be helpful at this moment in time if it did so the girl would know I'm walking towards her. The closer I get the more I can see her features and I suddenly realise from the striking blonde hair that it's "Josephine?"

Her head shoots up and she stares wide eyed and shocked at me. "H-Hero?" She stutters and crosses her arms over her body. I'm not sure whether it's because she feels cold or because I just scared the shit out of her. "What are you doing here?" We both ask at the same time and I see the hint of a smile on her face. "You first!" I insist before she can protest.
"I just didn't want to be at home" she tells me with no emotion in her voice at all. I sit next to her in silence and wait for her to elaborate. "What about you?" She asks directing the attention solely to me as if she doesn't want to talk about why she's here in the first place. "Well I didn't go to practice and I followed you home and waited. I saw you leave your house and now you've ended up here." I smirk as I see a horrified expression appear on her face and she scoots a little away from me.
"I'm joking" I quickly say, hoping she won't be pissed off with me. "W-what?" Jo gaped at me.
"I went to practice obviously because I never ever miss football. I always go for a walk afterwards though when I'm home and I've no idea where you live." I say honestly and shrug my shoulders as if it doesn't matter because it doesn't.

Jo nods her head slowly and I'm still sat here trying to figure this girl out. I know she's trying to be closed off and I know other people see the closed off, no bullshit Josephine. But I see her differently and I'm not sure why. "So why don't you want to be at home?" I press. I know that if I'm going to get something out of Jo I need to be persistent. "My mum and stepdad were arguing and I just didn't want to be there or be involved." Jo sighs and looks into the distance which is the pitch blackness of night that covers the park. "Why were they arguing?" I ask curiously. Part of me wants to understand about this girl and her life. I know she lost her dad and her best friend all at a young age and that must have had an effect on her but Jo is very good at not letting it show.
"Parker my stepdad, he's always working. It's why we moved here in the first place because he got transferred. My mum is angry with him because he never spend time with us and it's affecting them as a couple." Jo hangs her head and I hear the sadness in her voice. Jo's just like me. She's been forced to move because one of her parents was transferred in their job. I gently place me arm around her shoulder and I feel her suddenly relax into me as if she desperately need to deflate.

Jo's POV

I don't want it is about Hero that seems to control me. I feel as though I can tell him anything and everything and I visibly relax at his touch and warmth beside me. It's like I've been holding my breath for too long and now I can breathe again.
"Oh" Hero mutters and rubs this free hand over his thigh. I'm trying to ignore the slowly growing dampness between my legs as I look at his long fingers and imagine them pumping into me-
Stop! Stop! Stop Jo!. That's the guy who has been rude to you since day 1. My subconscious reminds me as I quickly push the ridiculous thoughts from my head.
"Do you like it here?" He asks me and I can hear him trying to mask his curiosity and suspicion in his voice but he's failing miserably. I nod my head and I open my mouth for words to come out but none do. Hero just sits there in silence with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. Waiting patiently. Waiting for me to say something.
"Yes I do. It's obviously a lot colder than Australia!" I force out a giggle and watch the corner of Hero's mouth turn up into a smile.
"Good. So your staying then?" It sounds as if he wasn't supposed to say that out loud as he clears is throat quietly and looks awkward. I can't help but shoot a smirk in his direction and also nod my head. "I will be until I don't need to anymore. Unless of course I find a reason to stay."

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