Chapter 9 | Gardens and Wine

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It seemed to be an underground garden. It looked as if a huge creature scooped a giant fist of dirt out of the ground, then placed glass on top. Fading light from the dying sun filtered through the thick glass above us. In front of me lay the most beautiful plants and flowers my young eyes had ever laid on. Colors of fiery orange and cool magenta scattered all throughout rich greens. The most beautiful though, was a small white tree in the center of it all. It was twice the size of me, long branches stretching out. I could see Thranduil watching my reaction out of the corner of my eyes.

"It's beautiful." I whispered it. I did not want to disturb the serene setting in front of me.

"Go on, look around." The King nudged me forward ever so slightly. I found my feet walking me on tiny stone paths to the secluded edges of the garden. I was particularly fascinated by a lovely golden bell-shaped flower.

"Alfirin." A deep voice came from behind me. It was Thranduil

"Such a bright one. I must admit, it's one of my favorites." The ghost of a smile played on his full lips.

"I think it is the most magnificent one of them here, my King." He chuckled before his hand lightly grasped my fingers.

"Come." He pulled me along to the center, by the white tree. The light was fading by now, darkness starting to cover the garden. But I did not worry. My eyes adjusted to the lack of light to see a soft blanket spread out on the grass. A circle around the tree was empty, bare. He led to me it. With a wave of his hand, I sat down. A large assortment of food was spread upon it. Thranduil soon followed and sat cross-legged in front of me, a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand. He poured some in before handing it to me.

"Dorwinion." His white teeth flashed in the dying light. I glanced down at the pool of dark liquid in my hands.

"I've heard much about this wine, though I've never had it." Hesitantly, I brought the glass up to my lips. I took a sip. It was so strong I nearly coughed. The King must have been amused at my expression, for I heard his chuckle.

"It can be very strong Dreidha. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't drink any." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is that a challenge, my King?" I gulped down a mouthful of the fruity wine, ignoring the burn. He shook his head, a smile playing on his lips.

"Eat." I obliged, stuffing my face with a bowl of strange fruit. I felt famished. My hands found their way to a loaf of bread. I washed it down with more of the wine. Thranduil watched me with a bemused expression before slowly popping a grape in his mouth. I paused for a moment when I realized my wine was gone. I held out my glass and he refilled it with a laugh.

"King Thranduil, are you going to train me more?" I asked him the question that had been nagging my brain while I chewed. His eyes widened for a split second before he carefully responded.

"If you wish." I nodded happily.

"I would very much enjoy that my Lord." I drank more of the hearty wine, already feeling a slight buzz.

"Then yes, we shall continue. I have a proposal for you Dreidha."

"I'm going on a hunting trip north, just for a few weeks. It will be taxing, and tiresome, but I would like you to come. I believe it would benefit you." His slender fingers grasped his wine before draining the last of it and getting more. I furrowed my eyebrows. A hunting trip? I didn't hunt, surely Thranduil knew that. Just as I was about to refuse, I suddenly realized just how pretty Thranduil looked. I was struck with a sudden urge to reach out and twirl a piece of his long hair around my finger. My hand shot out and did that exact thing. He stood still, his blue eyes twinkling in the almost darkness. After a moment I realized what I was doing and pulled away, my face burning.

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