P12. Nothing to Say

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Dioleh was walking to the Great Hall for a mandatory summoning by the heads of the houses the day after everyone got back from break when three Ministry officials came through the front doors, at least six aurors behind them. Her heart froze in her chest, but she drew in a deep breath and passed into the room and sat at the Slytherin table, not noticing that she sat right next to Draco.

He glanced over in surprise but didn't say anything as Imani and Aki sat on Dioleh's other side and Professor Dumbledore moved to stand in front of everyone. "Good morning and welcome back to Hogwarts. For those of you who are unaware, traces of magic were traced here. Siren magic. While we can not place where or exactly when the magic was used, we know it was over Christmas break and within the castle itself. The Ministry believes that this siren is posing as a student."

"We're screwed," Imani breathed, quietly enough that only Dioleh and Aki could hear it.

"Only those of you who went home for the break are not under suspicion," Dumbledore resumed. "A search will be made of the school for any remnants of siren activity. However, if you would like to save the trouble, you can turn yourself in now, whoever you are."

"What will happen to them?" a voice called. Looking over, Dioleh saw it was one of the young Hufflepuffs.

Gravely and with a look almost of regret, Dumbledore explained, "When found, the siren will be immediately sent to Azkaban. The Ministry will decide if it goes further than that." Dioleh gasped, her heart quaking. Imani grabbed onto her hand, holding on tightly in her fear. Each of the sirens looked at each other, nothing but fear in each of their expressions.

"Who'd have thought," Draco said. "Sirens, here. I'd rather like to meet one of them. Wouldn't you, love?" Dioleh didn't register what he had said. The moment they were able, Dioleh left with the other two sirens and rushed into an empty classroom. Soon after, Andre entered with Ebony and Julio.

"What are you three doing? We can't be meeting like this," Ebony hissed, shutting the door behind her. Pointing her wand at the door, she muttered, "Muffliato."

"They are going to send us all to Azkaban," Dioleh said. "What are we going to do?"

"First of all, you are going to keep calm," Julio said firmly, his jaw clenched. "Your lack of control over your emotions got us into this mess." Dioleh sighed, looking away from him.

"All right, not the point," Imani said. "How are they going to try and figure out who the sirens are?"

"They have a spell," Ebony explained. "It forces you to reveal your true form."

"Like-" Aki began.

"Tails and fins, yeah," Ebony replied. "They'll see it all."

Next moment, the door opened and Dumbledore appeared. "Hello," he said, shutting the door behind him. Quietly, he moved to stand in front of all the sirens. "It is most curious," he said. "That the lot of you retreated in here the moment our meeting about the siren was over." Each of them shared frightened looks. Lowering his voice, he warned, "I don't know which one of you it is, frankly, I don't want to know, but whoever you are, I give you a bit of a warning. Be careful. I will keep the Ministry off your tail as much as possible but Fudge will stop at nothing."

Without a word, he disappeared and each of the sirens shared terrified looks.


The months passed with much fear and anxiety for the sirens. A month into their searching, the Ministry discovered each of the passages and had them destroyed. Finally, the week before exams, everyone was facing Cornelius Fudge himself. "Just to be clear," he said, facing all the students. "We have not discovered who the siren is, so we must put each of you under this spell. Her first." Imani was grabbed by the arm and dragged before the crowd.

Dioleh glanced over just in time to see Julio look at Ebony next to him. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' and quickly kissed her cheek before he clenched his jaw as if bracing himself and saying, "Wait!" All eyes turned to him. Stepping forward, he said, "Imani isn't the siren." Dumbledore's eyes flickered in uncertainty. "I am." Fudge shot a spell at him and Julio cried out in pain as his body transformed. He fell to the ground, his purple tail fully revealed. His mouth was open, but no breath was coming in.

"STOP IT!" Ebony shouted. "YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" She broke through the crowd, collapsing beside him and cupping his cheeks. Dioleh felt tears prick her eyes as she watched. "Julio!" Ebony screamed, watching as his eyes grew red and his skin paled, slowly turning cooler and cooler in colour.

"Cornelius!" Dumbledore called. Fudge lowered his wand and Julio gasped for breath, holding onto Ebony. He transformed back, still gasping and panting on the floor by her. Striding forward, Dumbledore said, "I will not allow you to kill Mr. Ortego. Allow him to return to his tribe, unharmed."

"He is dangerous!" Fudge shouted, pointing at him.

"Please," Julio gasped, his voice lower and gruffer than before. He coughed, falling down again. "I wasn't ever going to hurt anyone. I never hurt anyone!"

"Then why did you come here!" Fudge shouted.

Julio's expression contorted to one of anger as he spat, "Because you keep killing us! People like you are the reason I saw my baby brother murdered in front of me! HE WAS THREE YEARS OLD!"

"You are dangerous!" Fudge shouted back. "Take him away!"

"No!" Ebony shouted as two aurors grabbed onto Julio.

"Stop!" Dumbledore ordered. "I will personally return Mr. Ortego to his tribe. Entrust him to me."

"I can't do that, Dumbledore!" Fudge shouted.

"Because you're too busy carrying out a genocide?!" Ebony accused, her eyes shining with tears.

"This is not up for discussion," Fudge said firmly, grabbing Julio by the collar and dragging him to his feet. Ebony attempted to follow, but Fudge blasted her back. Dumbledore followed after him hurriedly, breaking up the crowd of students. He shouted after him, but the moment the doors shut behind them, their voices were gone.

Instantly, Dioleh, Imani, and Aki rushed toward Ebony. After hesitating a moment, Andre helped them get her up and got her away from the crowd as she began to sob, completely falling apart. The four younger sirens took Ebony out to sit by the lake under a large oak tree. They sat in silence for a long time, staring out at the lake. Ebony was still crying although they were silent tears now.

Dioleh, Aki, and Andre had lost too many people at magical organizations' hands to cry now, but Ebony and Imani, both from more tolerant areas of the world, were more bothered by what they had just seen. "I'm so sorry," Dioleh said finally. "I messed up and the fact that my father-" She broke off, not wanting to say it. "It's no excuse. I'm so sorry, Ebony."

No one responded. Not even Andre had anything to say.

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