155. Volcano

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The eight of them talked a little while longer about Hufflepuff's cup and where it could be, but as time went on, several of them began to get hungry. Hermione quickly got to her feet and went to start finding food, but Blaise reached into his bag and pulled out several large cans and containers. Dioleh quickly went over to help as he brought them into the kitchen. "Dioleh told us you lot needed help with food, so I broke into the storage cupboard at home," Blaise explained, setting everything up on the counter.

"Oh, thank you," Hermione said. Soon everyone was sitting down in a circle eating the spaghetti Blaise had prepared for them. There was not much talk, however, as Hermione was flipping through a book, Andre and Imani were chatting quietly to one another, and Blaise and Harry were discussing defensive spells. Draco sat a little outside the circle between Dioleh and Ron.

Scooting back a bit, Dioleh said, "You're not an outcast here, you know. You can talk." Draco didn't respond. He was coiling and uncoiling his pasta in the bowl mindlessly.

When Dioleh had almost given up on getting him to speak, he finally said, "I just keep thinking about it. Someone had to have betrayed us. There were dozens of Death Eaters waiting for us when we escaped."

"Who could have?" Dioleh asked with a frown.

"My parents might have overheard the plan," Draco admitted. "Or Bellatrix."

Frowning, Dioleh asked, "Weren't you escaping with Ollivander?"

"Yes, but what does-" Draco began before he broke off. "You don't think...?"

"Well, he had been there a while, right?" Dioleh asked. Draco nodded. "Maybe he had just had enough and couldn't handle it anymore. He could have told to make sure he wasn't punished for trying to leave."

"Maybe," Draco said, slight bitterness poisoning his tone. "But why wouldn't he just say he didn't want to go? He could have just stayed."

"Then he would have been punished for not forewarning him," Dioleh explained.

"I have to go back," Draco said. "I have to get them both out."

"But if you get caught-" Dioleh began.

"I don't care, Dioleh," he snapped. Their voices had raised to the point where Blaise, Ron, and Harry had looked up at them.

"Draco-" Dioleh began.

"No, I left Luna and Mr. Ollivander behind to save Imani and I don't regret that," he interrupted. "But they don't deserve to stay there because I wasn't able to save them. I don't care if he kills me."

"Draco's right, Dioleh," Harry said. "Luna doesn't deserve to stay there."

"Harry," Hermione said.

"Look, we have no idea where the cup is," Harry said. "We might as well. Where are they being held?"

"Malfoy Manor," Draco explained. "You can't apparate in or out of the cellar but I know how to-"

"Draco, they would've changed it by now," Imani countered. "They know what you were willing to do. Even if they don't change how you get it, there's no way there's not some sort of trap."

"Harry, I think we need to go see Xenophilius Lovegood," Hermione said suddenly, looking up from her book. She hadn't heard a word that had been said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"It's that mark," Hermione explained. "The mark in the Beedle the Bard. Look at this." Handing over the book in her hands, she pointed at the right page. "The signature. Look at the signature, Harry."

"Er, what are you-" Ron began but one deathly look from Hermione shut him up.

"It keeps cropping up, doesn't it?" Hermione said. "I know Viktor said it was Grindewald's mark, but it was definitely on that old grave in Godric's Hollow, and the dates on the headstone were long before Grindewald came along! And now this! Well, we can't ask Dumbledore or Grindewald what it means. I don't even know whether Grindewald's still alive-"

"He is," Dioleh said dismissively. "I heard a lot about him in America."

"But we can ask Mr. Lovegood," Hermione resumed. "He was wearing the symbol at the wedding. I'm sure this is important, Harry."

After a long pause, Harry said hesitantly, "We don't need another Godric's Hollow. We talked ourselves into going there and-"

"But it keeps appearing, Harry!" Hermione protested. "Dumbledore left me The Tales of Beedle the Bard, how do you know we're not supposed to find out about the sign?"

"Here we go again," Harry sighed in exasperation. "We keep trying to convince ourselves Dumbledore left us secret signs and clues-"

"The Deluminator turned out pretty useful," Ron cut in. "I think Hermione's right. I think we ought to go and see Lovegood." Harry threw an accusatory glare at Ron that Dioleh took to mean that Ron was just siding with Hermione to get her to like him again. "I think we should vote on it." Looking around them all, he added, "Those in favour of going to see Lovegood?" Ron and Hermione raised their hands.

"Dioleh," Hermione pleaded.

"Nope, I'm not apart of this," Dioleh said instantly, raising her hands in surrender.

"Well, then, excluding them, you're outvoted, Harry," Ron said.

"Fine," Harry said with both amusement and irritation. "Only, after that let's at least try and get back on track, yeah?"

"Anyway," Draco said in a quieter voice. "I'm breaking into Malfoy Manor to break them out."

"I don't think that will go well, Draco," Dioleh said.

"Who cares," Blaise snapped. "If he wants to go get himself killed, so be it."

"Blaise," Dioleh snapped.

"It's fine," Draco said dismissively. "Look, I'm sorry, Blaise. For everything I did to you. I never wanted you hurt." Blaise scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Right," he retorted bitterly.

"Look, I don't know what you want me to do here," Draco snapped. "I can't turn back time and change what I did, but I have changed and I'm trying to make it right. What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?"

"You were my best friend, Draco," Blaise snapped, getting to his feet. "Ever since you ditched Crabbe and Goyle, you were my best mate. Then all of the sudden, you were back to them and not only ditched me, but Andre and Imani, two of your closest friends, and your girlfriend who has believed in you from the moment she met you! I can't handle that again, Draco." Awkwardly, Dioleh scratched the back of her neck, avoiding eye contact.

Draco let out a long sigh, rubbing his forehead to try and ease the pounding headache as he said wearily, "I've done all I can, Blaise. It's your choice whether you can forgive me or not. I'll learn to live with whatever choice you make." Setting aside his bowl, Draco got to his feet, grabbed his coat, and ducked out of the tent.

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