57. Justified Caution

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Imani, Andre, and Draco ran into the castle at top speed before colliding with Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall. "Dumbledore!" Andre shouted. "Moody's a fake, Draco saw him and-"

"I know, I know," Dumbledore said quickly. "Now hush." He allowed the three of them to follow behind him until they burst into Moody's office, instantly stunning him. He fell to the ground, leaving a bloody, confused Harry in front of them. "Where, Draco?" Dumbledore asked. Draco rushed forward to the trunk, opening it up at the seventh lock. "Alastor," he said, looking down. Looking up at the other two, he asked, "Where is Dioleh now?"

"Resting," Andre said. "She's exactly where she needs to be." He nodded and turned back to the fake Moody, kicking him onto his back as McGonagall went over to Harry and Snape to the real Moody.

"Come along, Potter," she said, attempting to get him to his feet. "Come along...hospital wing."

"No," Dumbledore said at once. "Now that Voldemort's back I-"

"What?!" Imani shrieked. Ignoring her, he moved over to the trunk and jumped inside. She looked in shock at Harry who avoided her gaze.

"The girl, where is she?" Moody asked weakly.

"She's fine," Dumbledore said. "We need to get you out now." He quickly put him on a stretcher and lifted him out of the trunk. Once he himself had gotten back out, he said, "Severus, fetch the strongest truth potion you have. Minerva, get Alastor to the hospital wing. Andre, go and find the big black dog by Hagrid's hut and bring him to my office and wait with him. Imani, I want you to go back to Dioleh and watch over her. Draco, you may go back to your dorm."

"No," he said quickly. "I want to make sure Dioleh's alright."

Dumbledore looked at Imani, who was the only one left aside from himself, Draco, and Harry. "He knows," she said. "He knows everything."

"Then keep him with you," Dumbledore said. "I will be down as soon as possible." She nodded and she and Draco went back down the castle grounds and into the hideout. Dioleh was still fast asleep. Draco and Imani sat down to wait.

"Can it be true?" Draco said quietly. "Is the Dark Lord really back?" Imani sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"I hope it isn't, but if Dumbledore says so then I believe him," she said quietly. Draco nodded.


Hours later, the hatch opened and Dumbledore and Andre appeared. Behind him also came Hermione who was looking around in shock until her eyes landed on Draco. "What is he doing here?" she snapped.

"He found out, Hermione," Imani said. "There was nothing we could do."

"Bring her to me," Dumbledore said, ignoring the little squabble. Andre ran forward, diving into the water to retrieve Dioleh. When she was brought to the surface, they could see that she was thin but otherwise looked fine. Andre held her at the surface so her body was still surrounded by water. Muttering a quiet spell, Dumbledore hovered his wand over her body. She woke with a sudden gasp mixed with a scream.

"Dioleh," Andre said quickly, trying to calm her thrashing.

Imani came in next, grabbing onto her shoulders and saying, "Dio, calm down. You're okay!" Her breathing evened out as she wrapped her arms tightly around Imani.

"Oh my god," she breathed. "Imani, you found me. I thought I was going to die." Dioleh's heart rate slowed until she was calm enough to leave her friend's embrace. Pulling away, she saw who all was there. "Dray?" she said in shock before her memories came back to her. Climbing out, she rushed to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you," she said with tears in her eyes. "I thought I was going to-" He returned the embrace, his arms around her waist before he lowered her back to the ground as she had had to jump to hug him how she did.

"Hermione," she said, spotting and hugging her sister tightly. "I love you. In case I don't get to say it again, I love you so much."

"I know," Hermione said, tearing up. "I love you too."

"We need to get you to the hospital wing," Dumbledore said. She nodded, pulling away from Hermione. Dumbledore got out of the hideout first, followed by Andre. Between him and Draco, they lifted her out. Hermione and Imani followed. Dioleh attempted to walk, but she had already used much of her strength and soon collapsed. Draco picked her up again, holding her in his arms. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and shoulders, laying her head on his chest. The group came up to the castle and into the hospital wing.

"Dioleh," Ron said in shock, spotting her. Draco gently set her down. To Dioleh's surprise, Ron hugged her.

"Hey, Ron," she replied with a smile.

"What's with this one?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Malnutrition and extreme exhaustion," Dumbledore explained. She nodded and quickly led Dioleh over to a bed before she spotted the only other person in one of them.

"Harry," she breathed, breaking away from Madam Pomfrey and going over to him. He was fast asleep. "What happened to him?"

"He'll be fine," Dumbledore said. "You need rest."

"But what about Professor Moody?" she asked. "Please tell me you found him."

"Yes," he said. "Draco showed me where he was. Now, get some rest." With a sigh, she consented and took the sleeping potion offered her. Instantly, she was knocked out.


"Draco," Dumbledore said after the shouting match with Fudge. "I need to ask you to leave briefly while I talk to those here. I will let you know when you can come back. Begrudgingly, he nodded and left Dioleh's side.

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