97. Difficult Explinations

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After dropping off her coat, hat, and scarf, Dioleh headed down to dinner where she found Harry and Hermione sitting with Ron. "So Harry told them everything," Hermione explained. "Everything that happened in June." 

"Wow," Ron said. 

"Hey," Dioleh said, taking a seat beside Hermione cautiously. 

Raising an eyebrow at her, Hermione asked, "Are you going to explain yourself now?" Ron frowned, looking at Harry in confusion. 

"Hermione," Dioleh sighed. "The only reason I never told you is because I decided I wasn't ready so nothing happened after that." 

"Until Christmas," Hermione countered. 

"Well," Dioleh said. "I just didn't know how to tell you. I know what you think of him." 

"No, you don't," Hermione retorted. "Dioleh, you wouldn't know because you don't talk to me anymore." 

"I'm sorry," Dioleh said. "But with everything going on, it's just been a lot." 

"Yeah, but why would you tell me you were going to risk something as dangerous as breaking into the Ministry of Magic," Hermione snapped lowly. "Dioleh, I don't have a problem with you dating Draco, but-" Ron opened his mouth indignantly to speak, but Harry quickly elbowed him. "I'm worried he'll make everything worse for you. I don't think he's quite as good of a person as you seem to think he is." 

"He's changed," Dioleh retorted furiously. 

"Yes, he has and in a lot of ways for the better," Hermione cried. "But he is still Draco Malfoy, Dioleh. He was still raised by Lucius. Deep down, he probably still holds onto those same biases and ideas that caused him to torment the three of us. You're relying on your feelings for him to protect you and us but you can't change people by dating them." 

"I know that I can't change him," Dioleh snapped, getting to her feet. "I'm not trying to. I never tried to change him. I just never put up with him being an arse. I didn't change him. He changed himself." 

"Whatever you say, Dioleh," Hermione sighed. "Just don't come crying to me when you realize that the main influence isn't you on him, it's the other way around." 

Dioleh scoffed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before snapping, "I'll see you around, Hermione." Once Dioleh had stormed away, Hermione saw Harry giving her a strange look. 

"What?" she snapped. 

"Nothing," Harry said quickly, turning back to his food. 


Dioleh carefully ignored Hermione over the following days for although she knew she was only looking out for her, the fact that Harry Potter himself was more accepting about her relationship with Draco bothered her greatly. About a week after the encounter with Hermione, Dioleh was sitting at breakfast stabbing at her food when she saw Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle casting concerned looks between themselves and at Draco. Nudging him, Dioleh whispered, "Do you know what that's about?" 

Glancing over, Draco frowned as Crabbe gestured him over. For once, none of them seemed to be regarding him with resentment. "Give me a minute," he said, getting to his feet and going over to them. Dioleh and Blaise watched carefully as they handed Draco a piece of paper and said something to him in a hushed whisper. Draco was looking very confused when he returned to his seat, staring at the piece of paper with furrowed brows. Finally, his brow straightened and he let out a small breath. 

"What is it?" Blaise asked. 

Rushing towards them, Andre and Imani sat down before whispering, "Draco, have you seen...?" 

"Yeah," he replied. His tone was resigned and sounded quiet. Looking at Blaise and Dioleh, he explained, "Harry identified my father as a Death Eater in an interview, as well as Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle's fathers." 

"Are people taking the interview seriously?" Dioleh asked, glancing at Andre. 

"Some are," he replied. "Some aren't. Regardless, Draco, don't be surprised if there is some push back against you from the other houses. I doubt they'll care here, though." 

"I'd expect nothing less," Draco admitted, starting to get up. "I need to write to my father." 

"Wait, Dray, you can't," Dioleh said quickly, grabbing onto his wrist. He frowned. 


Lowering her voice to a whisper, she warned, "Umbridge has begun reading student's mail." With a sigh, he sat back down as a voice snapped behind them. 

"Granger," Umbridge snapped. With an irritated huff, Dioleh looked over at her, an eyebrow raised. "After careful observation, I have determined that you are the problem with all of these inappropriate displays. A week's detention for you, starting tonight at five o'clock." 

"Yeah, whatever," Dioleh snapped irritably. 

Her tone hardening, Umbridge ordered, "Ms. Granger, come with me." Hesitantly, Dioleh let go of Draco and followed after the woman until they reached the hallway where few students were. "I'm giving you two weeks' detention. You will come to my office tonight at five o'clock." 

"So you dragged me out here just to tell me that?" Dioleh retorted, glaring at her. Pure hatred pulsed through her, culminating in her chest like a raging hurricane as she carefully clasped her hands to ensure none of her power escaped her. 

In a flash, Umbridge had her hand clasped around Dioleh's jaw, holding her painfully in place as she hissed, "You have gotten in my way far too many times, Granger." Slamming her head back into the wall, she added, "Don't think I won't push back." She let go and strode away. Dioleh fell back against the wall, sharp breaths tearing through her chest. The moment her footsteps had faded away, a strangled gasp ripped through her and she quickly covered her mouth to muffle the sound. 

Before she could allow her tears to fall, Dioleh drew in several deep, calming breaths, pushing down the feelings even as her hands trembled. 

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